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I've been here for a month. I live with a host family. Studying here is fun. There is no uniform, no drama, and kids in different classes go to the same school. It's nice, including the food. I was walking with my host sister.

"Hey, I will see you later."She said.

"Ok, see you at the house." I waved good bye. I walked to the front. There was a cute boy with A button up T-shirt and shorts. He wore sunglasses. He was smoothing out his hair with his hand. He cute. He reminds me of Namjoon. I walk past him to one of my friends.

"Hey May!" My friend yelled. We walk to her car and we go shopping for her homecoming dress. I feel like sommeone is following us. We go into the mall and go find a dress.

"Aren't you a little early to look for a dress?" I asked.

"You need to be early for these things. Plus I already got a date."She squealed.

"You know in Korea there are many good looking guys." I laughed.

"But Mark Polmer is the one for me." She sighed.

"Crazy." I laughed.

"You should get one to. I hear Daniel likes you." She laughed.

"No thanks." I sighed.

"Hey remember when you said there are good looking guys in Korea?" She asked spinning around in dress showing me.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Are they Korean?" She asked pointing. I turned around to see Namjoon in front of Jimin, Jungkook, Jin, J-hope, Suga, V, and Wonwoo walking in.

"I think?" I lied putting my hood up. Can they see me?

"Try this one on." She said throwing a dress. I scrambled into the dressing room. Maybe by the time I dress they will be gone? It's a really pretty dress. I walked out with the dress on the hanger. It's expensive. I can buy a car with this dress. They are gone!! We pay for the dress and walked to get food.

"May, tell me about the story of that ring on your finger." She pleades.

                "Umm, I'm married. Arrange marriage." I said eating ice cream.

                 "You're so young!!! Who is the guy?" She asked.

                "Uhhhh." I said about cry.

                 "It's cool tell me when your ready. Let's go." She said getting up. We went to find shoes for her now. I went to look for a pair. Until someone tapped on my shoulder. No one was there. Huh my imagination. I'm going crazy. I found a pair and went back to my friend. Then, her boyfriend Mark was there. They shopped together and I was to meet her at, her car at 4:00 pm. Good thing I did all my homework. I walked around and just browsed. I went into a bookstore and look there. So many great books. I was sitting down reading how to hotwire a car. Wink wink, Nudge Nudge. I felt someone back hugging and softly crying in my hair. I knew it was Namjoon. I'm not hallucinating right? Nope I'm hallucinating it was some stranger who just broke up. They thought I was there significant other. I want to be happy again. Bro. I walked back alone. Ok I'm going crazy because I just saw Namjoon with another girl. I got so angry. But just walked past him. I'm going crazy. He is probably in the house thinking of how I'm going to die. Did this boy just smirked at me raction to him and this girl. Ugh, I need help. I walked to my friend's car. Holy shit its not there umm. Phone phone. Phone is out of battery. Well shit. She left me here. Ugh..... I walked back. I see Namjoon. I'm really going crazy. I ran crying hugging him. He held me tight. He was here.

"Why did you leave me?" He asked about to cry.

"I was going to study abroad." I said crying.

"We're going back." He held me tight.

"No you're going back." I pushed him away. I'm stupid.

"What are you doing May? you want to get your self hurt?" He asked.

"It's a risk I'm going to take..." I said.

"If you walk away now. I won't be back." Namjoon said sturn.

"I'm sorry." I said letting go of his hand and walked. His heart broke, my heart broke. Suprisingly the host house was pretty close to the house. I walked not that far. I cried my self to sleep that night. I wish my parents were here. I'm sorry mom and dad. I'm sorry Namjoon.

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