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Namjoon's Pvo:

I went out side to smoke. I'm trying to quit for May. I don't want to lose her. I only put the cigarette in my mouth and didn't light it.

"Let me light that for you." My ex said.

"Why are you here? Who let you in here?" I asked.

"Lets get back together." She laughed.

"How about no." I pity laughed.

"I miss you. Namjoon." She sighed.

"I'm kind of with someone right now." I said.

"She promised nothing about staying with you. I over heard her and Wonwoo saying that if the marriages don't work out they will get divorces. Then, marry each other." She said sturn.

"Your lying!" I yelled.

"Fine don't trust me. I like you Namjoon don't get hurt." She said and the kissed me. I pushed her off me.
"Someone's watching." She whispered. May was right there. Then she simply walked away. I'm fucked. I ran after her and kept calling her name.

"May it's not what you saw." I said grabbing her arm. To my surprise she wasn't crying.

"I know it wasn't." She said simply.

"What?" I asked.

"I was there when the kiss happened then you pushed her off." She explained.

"Are you mad?" I asked.

"Oh Namjoon, if I was mad you wouldn't be walking on two legs and your friend back there would have had her hair missing." She smiled and hugged me.

"Why did you walk away like that?" I asked.

"What she said about Wonwoo and I...." She chocked.

"Is it true....?" I asked.

"Yes. Are you mad?" She asked.

"Fuck yeah. But I'm going to do everything in my power to let us be together. We are not getting a divorce. " I said calm.

"Namjoon. " She blushed. "I think the reason you smoke is because you don't know how to cope with your feelings. So don't ever walk away from me to smoke." She explained.

"I promise. But promise me you will stay with me." I promised.

"No promises. Will you give me a second..." She said runing. Then a few moments later I heard screaming.

"Bitch!!!" I heard May yell. Then she ran back smiling looking like nothing happened.

"Lets go." May suggested holding my hand.

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