Only You

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We went to his room and he shut the door.

"Cut the bull shit May!!!" He yelled.

"So I can't be in love with you??" I asked.

"I saw you kiss Wonwoo!!" He yelled.

"It was the last time!!" I yelled back.

"Like I'm going to believe you."He laughed. Then all the sudden I grabbed his head and kissed him. Surprisingly he kissed back. I think I have feelings for him. Dude what am I doing?

"I'm sorry." I said hugging him.

"Don't kiss him ever again." Namjoon said sturn.

             "Someone is jealous." I teased.

              "Promise me you won't kiss anyone but me." He laughed.

                "I promise." I said holding his hand.

                 "Good." He laughed and kissed my cheek.

                  "Now thats cleared can we talk about why my stuff is in your room?" I asked.

                  "You're going to share a room  with me."He laughed.

The King {NAMJOON}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora