85) Ignoring

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AUTHORS NOTE: sorry guys for not updating for so long! ive been busy and such. but now im here and ready to torture your feels again XD LOL 


[Tony has entered the chat]

[Angel has entered]

[Clint has entered]

[Bruce has entered]

[Betty has entered]

Betty: well im disappointed the wedding didnt happen....


Clint: you guys think this is a prank?

Bruce: nope. Quinn read their minds for me. they really are mad at each other.

Tony: meh {sips scotch} lets just watch this from the sidelines and see what happens.

Angel: thats strange coming from the guy who likes to ship people.

Tony: -_- true.

Betty: i agree with Tony though. lets just let them be. we dont want to make things worse.

Clint: agreed.

Angel: hey Clint where is Natasha?

Clint: taking care of baby Ivan.

Tony: IVAN!!!!!!!!! {faints}

[Tony has left the chat]

Bruce: you guys purpously named him that to do that to Tony didnt ya.

Clint: yep! also its a russian name meaning archer so hey it works!

Angel: neat! but please stop doing that to my husband. speaking of which me and him need to pack for our honeymoon. hopefully when we get back all this will be fixed and diana and deadpool will be back from that funeral. bye guys! 

Betty: bye bye Angel!

Clint: see ya!

Bruce: have fun!

[Angel has left the chat]

[Belle has entered the chat]

Belle: hey guys!

Bruce: hiya!

Betty: hello!

Clint: sup?

Belle: hey! :D betty you wanna come with me to the mall? 

Betty: sure! :D

Belle: AWESOME! :D

[Steve has entered the chat]

Steve: hey Clint! hey bruce! hey betty!

Betty: hi! and why didnt u say hi to Belle?

Steve: nice to see you too.

Belle: im going to go now. come on betty.

[Belle has left the chat]

Betty: um ok. bye guys!

[Betty has left the chat]

Bruce: are you ignoring Belle and her existance Steve?

Steve: belle? i dont know a belle.

Clint: he is.

Bruce: -_- 

Steve: :|

Clint: lets go play call of duty. the zombie levels. that might snap him out of it.

Bruce: maybe. lets go steve.

Steve: no.

Bruce: :|

[Bruce has turned into the Hulk]

[The Hulk has dragged Steve brutally from his laptop]

Clint: you got a sense of humor dont ya, JARVIS?

JARVIS: no, Agent Hawkeye. the laptops simply do that.

Clint: so banner really did hulk out and drag steve from his laptop?

JARVIS: yes, Agent Hawkeye.


[Clint has left the chat]

AUTHORS NOTE: so how was that? again, sorry for not updating in so long!


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