CHAPTER 42 {Very Long Update}

Start from the beginning


"What the hell! HOW IS THAT MY FAULT?" Gale yells at me, his face red with fury.

"I just told you..!" I begin in my usual yelling tone. But then i stop when i see marvel standing at the door. "Marvel can deal with you because i am done,"

When I walk out i pass Marvel and Cato who is behind him. All i have to do is mumble JO and they seem to understand. I think everyone but Gale and Jo know that they are crushing on one another. And i understand, they both get super mad and stressed when we talk about it to them. because neither of them have ever felt this way about anyone before. I have to admit i was a bit like that it Peeta. I mean i was crazy about him but i was also so worried.

Lesson in life people: Don't worry because It won't matter in 20 Years time.

As soon as I reach the girl door I get pulled in. Us girls all gather around the phone. JO slowly presses the call button.

Yes, we are calling the number on the card we got given after the show.

There are only 3 beeps before the man picks up. His voice sounds raspy and old.


oh, how badly do I want to burst out in the Adele song right now...

"Hi," I reply instead. "Its Katniss Everdeen, you gave us your card at the play," I hear him chuckle slightly.

"Ah yes." He pauses for a moment and we all lean closer to the phone. "Listen carefully to what I have to say," I look up at the girls for a brief moment. "We would like to offer you girls a full scholarship to the SCHOOL OF ACADEMIC ARTS." Annie and glimmer gasp and Clove looks like she's about to burst. 

"Omg that is so great," Glimmer exclaims.

"When do we start!?" says Annie.

But then the man on the line goes silent. For a second the thought crosses my mind that he could be messing with us.

"Monday? Or Wednesday at the latest." He finally says and my heart sinks.

"For how long?" I say with guilt in the pit of my stomach.

"Two years," He replies. "The scholarship includes living accommodation fees,"

"OK! Can we call you back?" I ask and then hang up. I take my phone in my hand and stand up.

I look up at the girls and shake my head. But jo has other ideas.

"What the hell Kat!?" Jo yells.

"We can't leave!" I begin. "And for two years! Come on!"

"Look its not that far away," Annie stands up and takes my phone.

"Yes it is."

"Its not-"





"OH MY GOD! SHUT UP ALL OF YOU!" Jo stands there her face red with fury. She looks like she's upset. But then again she would be excited about this.

"Guys," I hadn't even noticed but glimmer was on her laptop and on the schools website. "Its in district 2," and  my heart sank to what feels like the bottom of the ocean.

Something that sounds like muffled voice is heard behind me and all our heads snap in  the direction.

Jo, as she's in a mood, storms over and fights open the door. When she does she gets flattened. As there are all the boys ears dropping on us.

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