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Fresh air.

Bright skies.

Lovely weather.

He'd missed this. He'd missed it all. Louis had spent so much time in that asylum, he felt he forgot how to play football. It had been ages!

6 months is no joke. At all.

The last four days he spent in the rehab centre. You know; getting back to his old routine, and ofcourse, making sure he could still sing.

Yeah. The voice was still there.

Eleanor was driving him back to his house. They had become relatively closer over the weeks. Too close for the fans' liking. And besides, he sent Niall and Liam to the Bahamas, taking a tour of the whole island and a cruise back to the mainland and then back to Hawaii. However long it took them, he didn't care, as long as they came back tanned with love, or better yet, engaged.

He said he'd take care of this mess once he got out and he would. Louis Tomlinson never broke a promise. To anyone!

When they got to the house, Louis walked in and could smell it. He was home.

"You're probably gonna wanna call your mum. Mrs. T is gonna be dead-beat excited."
"Where are the girls?"
"They all went for a hike. Girls day out."

Louis nodded in acknowledgement. His mind was in hyper-drive. He had to do it today!

After putting his stuff away, they decided to watch a movie. Eleanor offered to get the snacks while Louis picked a movie, which was to his advantage.

"Louis? Caramel or plain?"

She yelled from the kitchen. After no reply she went into the sitting room with a bowl of each.


She dropped the bowls of popcorn on entering the living room. A smile made its way to her face and tears started rolling down her cheeks.

* * *




Liam and Niall exclaimed in unison, Niall dropping his wine glass in the process.

It was Louis' welcoming/24th birthday party. Close friends and relatives were present at the Tomlinson mansion. Some lucky fans were selected worldwide (yeah right) to meet the ex-band members and enjoy Louis' day with him, for free. Any Directioner's dream.

Besides, it was trending on Snapchat. Someone had to keep it going.

"I said, Louis and I are..."

There was a commotion near the door that interrupted them. Liam, Niall and Eleanor squeezed through the crowd, only to find...

Zayn Malik pinning Louis to the door and his fist raised ready to punch Louis. But Louis had his hands crossed and a small smirk on his face.

"Why didn't you die Tomlinson?"
"Because everyone has their time Zaynie."
"They teaching philosophy in asylums now?"
"No Zayn, it's common sense."

Then he muttered while rolling his eyes.

"Which you don't seem to have."

But Zayn heard it. He pulled his fist back and pushed it forward ready to hit his face but Liam held onto it from the back when it was like an inch from hitting his nose.

Fight To Finish (Larry) ☑️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora