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Double update...

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Louis repeatedly banged his head on the wall. It was going to 3am. He couldn't sleep. It was the week of Harry's one month anniversary.

He had a football match tomorrow- well today- but he just couldn't sleep.

Hence, the banging on the wall.

After five minutes, he rested his head on the wall. He had a headache and his breathing was harsh and came out in chokes as he let the tears do their routinely stroll down his cheeks. Even after a month, they just didn't stop!

He was shaking and raking with sobs. He turned around and slid down the wall, with his back pressed against it.

Questions. Questions. Questions.

They were making him go mad and he knew it.

Why him? What did he do wrong? How had I fucking missed it?

The door opened slightly and Phoebe walked in with a glass of water and a pain killer of some sort.

So maybe it had happened before. Maybe his family came up with some sort of timetable to take care of him and the babies. Nobody complained because Louis was hurting.


Phoebe took a seat next to Louis, handing him the pills and water. No words needed to be exchanged. It was the silent bond between siblings. She placed the, now empty, glass beside her and lay her head on his shoulder.

"What are you doing awake Phoebs?"
"I thought someone was breaking in."

She said innocently and Louis smiled. A very tiny but visible smile.

"Don't be. I was tired of sleeping anyway."

His smile grew just a little bit more.

"You have a match today."

His smile faded again. It was a friendly, something to get him back on his feet, but he didn't know where his mind would wander to. He let out a shaky breathe.

"Don't worry. You'll do fine."
"How do you know?"
"Because my big brother once told me that the mind is a very complex place. But also very hackable. All you need to do is block out all thoughts, lock up the mind for a certain amount of time, and just go for it."

Louis looked at her and gave her a half-smile.

"Thank you Phoebs."
"Anytime. Now come on. Get some sleep. You need it."

She stood up, Louis following, going to bed and falling asleep, as Phoebe went to her room.

Phoebe was right.

All it took was a lock on the mind.

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*A lock on the mind*

"Ladies and gentlemen! Today is another great day in the history of Doncaster Rovers!"

*Just one damn lock*

"The battle for the best of the best!"

*It's only two fucking hours*

"Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls and screaming fans! Louis! Tomlinson!"

*Here goes nothing. Locked*

Louis jogged onto the pitch with his team behind him, waving at the large magnitude of the crowd, the stadium mostly filled with screaming Directioners. Louis chuckled as they line up infront of the crowd because wow! He loved their fans!

Fight To Finish (Larry) ☑️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora