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Found it...

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It wasn't a dream.

It wasn't some April Fool's joke.

Nop. It was fucking reality.

That night when they took Harry into the A/E unit, his heartbeat was very faint, almost non-existent. After about an hour of failed attempts fo resuscitation, Harry passed away, right there, right then.

It took hours before they could get Louis out of the room, away from Harry. Forever.

It was painful. Louis watched his best friend, his boyfriend, his lover, be covered up and taken to the morgue, awaiting his final farewell. His funeral.

Which just happened to be today.

All three boys were clad in black suits and a pink handkerchief in the coat pocket. Because Harry loved pink hankies. They were at 'The Larry Residence' as the boys called it. Louis and Harry always stayed together here on break.

Louis was in their bedroom, staring at a framed picture of him and Harry from during the X-factor tour...

"Forever young, I wanna be forever young..."

Louis sang as he walked out of a bathroom stall, then shrieked as he was met by a mop of curls and piercing emerald eyes staring back at him.

"Uh? Hi?"
"You have a beautiful voice."
"Uh... Thanks."
"Oh! M'Harry!"

The boy exclaimed and stretched out his hand. Louis smiled and graciously shook his hand.

"Ah! The Styles kid. I'm Louis."
"Nice to meet you!"

And he smiled his dimpled smile. He'd just made a new friend.

Louis smiled as a tear rolled down his cheek and fell on the frame.

"I already miss you Haz."

He set the frame back on the dresser and walked back to the living room to find a calm Liam comforting a crying Niall.

"What's gonna happen to us Li?"
"I don't know."
"Where do we stand?"
"I don't know."
"Please tell me this is just a joke gone too far."

Before Liam could answer with another 'I don't know', Louis motioned him to hand Niall over, Niall burrowing his face in his chest and sobbing pathetically.

"Ni, we're gonna be fine. As long as we stick together, nothing's gonna destroy that. Ok?"

Louis mentally slapped himself for letting his false promise slip so easily. He hadn't meant to promise something as sensitive as that. The last two weeks had been absolut torture for him. He never came out of his room and only took a shower once every three days, under normal circumstances.

Today was practically the first time he did his best to look somewhat presentable.

Niall calmed down a little bit. A horn broke them from their thoughts and they walked out.

The church was huge. The ceremony itself was being broadcast worldwide for very obvious reasons.

Everyone from the Queen Of England and family to the Prime Minister, the President Of U.S.A to the head-of-state of Australia.

Rowan Atkinson (a.k.a Mr. Bean), Eddie Murphy, famous football players, Michael Bublé, John Legend, Taylor Swift, the whole Kardashian family, not forgetting the 5 Seconds Of Summer lads and other famous people and big names in different career fields. Even the ex-cast of iCarly made it.

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