The Calm before the Storm

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I walked over picking up the remote and putting the tv on channel two.
"A Woman is pregnant, and is claiming that superstar Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is the father, we will have more on that when we return, stay tuned." The woman on the tv spoke.
"T, let me call you back ok"
"Ok." She said before I hung up the phone.

I turned and looked at him, and my feet carried me faster than they ever had before, I hadn't realized what was happening until the sound my hand made when it connected to his face filled the room.



Rubbing my jaw, I looked up at her as she shook and rubbed her hand that was in pain from hitting me.
"Janet, I swear to God I did not sleep with that woman, she might be pregnant but it's not with my baby." I pleaded.
"Why is it that I'm having such a hard time believing you then." She said looking up at me. "The other night, when you went out with the guys and we had that argument, you got upset and left. Where did you go?" She asked.
"I don't remember." I held my head in my hands and sat down on the couch. "I only remember leaving and going to a bar...and this woman started talking to me...I-I can't remember anything after that." I spoke mostly to myself but loud enough that she heard.

"So you went home with her?" She questioned.
"Ye-No, no I don't know, I didn't sleep with her I-"
"How do you know that for sure if you can't even remember a damn thing!" She yelled. "But you know it makes sense, I can't give you children so it's natural that you would want another woman to have them for you." She spoke in a low tone. I quickly looked up and started at her.
"Don't you dare."
"What other explanation is there?"
"That you fucking believe me that I didn't sleep with that woman!" I yelled standing to my feet.
"I really wish I could but until then, a DNA test is the only thing that's gonna help you right now." She said before walking away. I groaned as I laid back on the couch.

It seems like no matter what we do or how much we try to move forward and finally be happy there's always something around the corner waiting to knock us down again, and I'm just fucking tired. I pulled out my phone as it buzzed in my pocket, not bothering to look at the callers ID I slid my finger across the screen and placed the phone to my ear.
"Hello?" I spoke into the phone.
"Are you aware that some fucking random woman is claiming your child!" Kenneth yelled through the phone.
"Yes, I just saw it." I sighed.
"Would you like to explain to me why this woman has come up with such claim."

"There's nothing to explain because I haven't done anything, I don't even know who this woman is. You know what, set up a meeting with this woman and shut this down now!" I yelled into the phone and hung up. I was tired of explaining myself.

I got up walking into the bedroom, where I saw her pacing the room.
"I need to talk to you." I calmly spoke catching her attention.
"What, you need me to pretend again?" She sarcastically asked looking up at me.
"Ok Janet lose the damn attitude alright!" I yelled loosing me patience with her. "I got enough to worry about with this fucking woman claiming my god damn child, I don't need you adding more stress to it ok."

"I'm adding stress? Just a couple months ago I miscarried, now some random woman is claiming that she is carrying your fucking child, and me being upset about this is adding stress." With an angered face she stared back at me.
"That's not what I meant."
"What exactly did you mean then, please help me understand!"
"It is not my fault that you can not carry a child!" The words fell out my mouth like a grenade, and I could see the hurt on her face as they hit. "Oh my God Janet, I-I didn't mean to say that." I tried to hold her but she backed away from me.
"Don't touch me."

I sighed and looked down before quietly speaking.
"Kenneth is going to set up a meeting with this woman to find out what it is that she wants, and if she really is pregnant with my child then I have to be a man and step up and take responsibility whether we like it or not."
"Go to that meeting by your damn self." She said before walking into the bathroom and slamming the door shut. I sat on the bed resting my elbows on my knees as I buried my head in my hands. I don't know how much more of this we can take before we crack.

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