Pampered and Spoiled

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I woke up to my phone alarm ringing as if the house was on fire. I quickly turn it off, and pull the covers back getting out of bed. The feeling of the cold floor against the bottom of my feet sent chills up my spine. I get up putting my robe on and walking into the bathroom, I strip down and step into the shower letting the water beat against my tired body, it felt so good I didn't want to get out but unfortunately I had to get to work, so I washed my body clean and turned the water off.

Getting out I put my underwear and bra on then wrapped the towel around waist. Standing in front of the mirror and sink I brushed my teeth and washed my face, as I used the towel to dry my face I caught a glimpse of the ring on my finger. With all the excitement last night I didn't really get a chance to really look at it. It was so big and beautiful, I guess Dwayne was really listening to me when I told him that diamonds are a girl's best friend {lol see what I did there;)}. I still can't believe that he really proposed, I never thought that I could be this happy with someone.

I felt hands wrap around my waist snapping me out of my thoughts. Looking up from the ring and into the mirror I see Dwayne standing behind me with a smile on his face.
"Do you like it?" He asked taking my left hand in his and running his thumb over the ring.
"I love it." I smiled. "I bet it coast a fortune." I said looking at him through the mirror.
"Price doesn't matter when it comes to you my love." He said kissing my neck. "A woman like you deserves to be spoiled every once in a while." He said cupping my breast in his hands making a small moan escape my lips.

He turned me around and captured my lips in his, lifting me up onto the counter without breaking the kiss. Standing between my legs he went to un clip my bra but I stopped him.
"I have to go to work." I said out of breath.
"Can't you stay home today?" He asked in winey voice.
"No, I've already missed enough days, I gotta get a lot done." I said jumping off the counter and walking into the room.

"But I want you." He said walking in behind me. "What am I suppose to do with this." He said pointing to the huge bulge in his basketball shorts.
"Watch some porn and jerk off, it's ok I won't judge." I said taking the towel from around my waist and stepping into my high waist skirt.
"Ha ha very funny." He said in a sarcastic tone. "And this is not really helping me right now." He said referring to the fact that I was having trouble pulling my skirt up and my ass was hanging out right in front of his face.

"Could you please help me." I said shuffling closer to him. He smiled and started pulling up my skirt.
"Babe you do realize that you're gaining weight, and your clothes are not gonna fit-."
"Shut up and help me." I said cutting him off and he laughed.
"There you go." He said pulling it up.
"Ok now zip me up." I said turning my back to him.

"That's not gonna happen." He said with a chuckle.
"Baaaaabe." I whined.
"I'm telling you it's not gonn-"
"Can you just try."
"Alright." He tugged at my skirt and pulled the zipper up. It went up a little but then it got stuck, he started pulling at it but it wouldn't budge.
"Ok, it's not going any further." He said laughing a little.

"Ugh! I'm getting fat." I fake cried walking away from him.
"You're not getting fat ok, you're just pregnant." He said following me into my walk in closet.
"Nothing is gonna fit anymore. What am I suppose to do, live in sweats?" I asked going through the rack of clothing.
"Ok, why don't you just find something to wear for today and tomorrow I'll take you shopping after your doctors appointment." He said making me look at him.

He smiled at the way I was looking at him.
"You look beautiful no matter what you wear." He said hugging me with his arms around my neck.
"Really?" I quietly asked.
"Yes, you could wear that ugly dress I bought you and would still look gorgeous." He said and I smiled. He was talking about this brown, burgundy, and green dress he bought me a few weeks ago, it was gross looking. I didn't want to be mean and hurt his feelings so I just smiled and thanked him.

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