Chapter 15 Part 1

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Ello.  (shortened version of hello and how i like to say it...)  I hope you guys liked the last chapter, since you had to wait so long.  And I REALLY hope you liked the video.  Like I said before, it dosn't really go with any of the chapters, but it was so funny i had to put it. ^.^ The pictures are new, too. I hope they make you laugh!

This is only part 1 because IT'S SO SHORT!  ...again!

Bet you're all impressed with how quickly I wrote this though--like two hours!  (sarcasm)  But it is a peronsal victory for me. ;)  And since this is only half the chapter, you guys only need half the votes (*cough 10 *cough)

I aslo just noticed how awkward this chapter would be if Storm were a human... :\ Tell me what you think.

~Your quick-typing author Noelle :)


I was walking down the hall upstairs, going to Jill’s room.  Her door was left open and I walked right in without having to open it myself, which was good, as I was still bruised from my first attempts.

Jill was on her computer and when she saw me she glared.

Hey, I thought we were over the whole catnip thing.  What’cha mad at me for?

“Did you know that it is impossible for a cat to get high off catnip?” she asks icily.

What?  No way.  This I’ve got to see.

I jumped up next to her and read: Catnip, contrary to popular belief, is not a drug for cats, but a natural herb that simulates all of their senses, which is why some act as if they are drunk.  Catnip is harmless unless the cat is particularly allergic to it.

Huh.  Well, that’s weird.  I looked up pitifully at her.

Jill was now staring.  “Did you just read that?”


She kept staring.  Yes…?  What do you want from me??

I meowed in her face, making her wrinkle her nose. “Did you steal ham, or did Milo give it to you?”

She didn’t give me time to mentally answer before she sighed. “You know, he’s really not mean.  He’s just been upset lately that his girlfriend of three years broke up with him.”

Okay…guilt setting in again.

Jill continued.  “He was planning on taking several girls tonight to a party to get her jealous—I don’t know why though, the jealous thing doesn’t really work.  He should just get over her.”

Guilt…crushing me. 

“He was really broken up about it, and no matter how hard he tries to get her back, she just ignores him”

Can’t breath due to guilt…

And his ex sounds like a beyoch.

And I really need to go aplogize.  Like, now.

So I did.  Jill watched me go until I was out of sight, and in the next second I was opening Milo’s door.  He was already passed out.  I didn’t know how a cat could apologize, but the guilt weighed so heavily on my shoulders that I had to try.

Decision made, I launched onto the bed next to him.  His eyes cracked open but he didn’t move otherwise, just watched me.

I purred attentively, crawling up next to his arm and resting my head there.  His arm moved, and for a second I thought he would shove me off the bed, but instead he tucked me up against his chest and closed his eyes.

I kept purring.  All night.  And it was the best night of sleep I could remember.

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