Chapter 2

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Okay, so uploading three times in one day seems kind of silly, but the story is writting itself in my head, and I have to type it down before I forget.  And I'd like to warn you guys now that I've got a problem with sticking to a story.  I may work on this one for a little while longer, then I'll get this amazing inperation...and then the story I'm curently working on is never touched again, at least not with the same passion.  So I'm going to need some support here -- vote, comment, SOMETHING, please.  Let me know someone's enjoying this...besides Joyful_pride97 (who is AWSOME) and the three rocking people who've voted.

Alright, alright, I'll let you read.

I looked back up at the amused human and pinned him in place with my gaze.  He stared back, mesmerized.  Purr-fect.  And now for round two! (ha, ha.  More cat humor)

I meowed pitifully, scrunching up my eyes and flattening my ears.  For the second time, he smiled, caved, and pulled out another piece of chicken, this one smaller, little pieces of white rice stuck to it like sprinkles on a caramel apple (technically, cats are carnivores, and I shouldn’t be eating rice and whatnot, but a little herbivore niblets couldn’t hurt, right?).

He seemed to be a cat whisperer — I would have pouted if I could have as he removed the rice before stretching his arm to offer it to me again.  Instead, my whiskers twitched and my eyes narrowed.  Still, who was I to pass up free, mouth-watering chicken when el stupido here was offering it up no problem?

I was still cautious as I once again snatched away the chicken.  People I’ve been snabbing from sometimes tried to steal me, the freaks.  Why in the world would I want to be some fat house-cat?  And they probably have dogs!  Think before you cat-nap, folks!  Not all of us want to be as big as a killer whale and lazy as a pig!

And they would probably think they were doing the right thing by taking me in to be spayed…

Bad thoughts!  Bad thoughts!  Bad thoughts!  I shivered, despite myself.  The people that did that to their pets…they obviously don’t love them at all!  I would take a finger or two from whoever tried to do that to me!  Gah!

Those hideous thoughts evaporated as another round of soy hit my taste buds like a speeding truck.  The memories weren’t far behind.

But when the taste faded, so did the memories until they became the clouded, hazy things forced to the back of my mind that they usually were.  Give me more chicken, human!  The Queen of the Streets demands it!

Several seconds passed and nothing happened.  Ha!  Not cat whisperer after all, are ya, buddy?  Now hand over the chicken, or die!

Still he just sat there, smiling like an imbecile.  Fine, I guess I have to take matters into my own…paws.  Prepare yourself, human scum!

I locked my eyes on his, and slowly strode forward, not blinking.  He had set down the paper bag on the wet pavement, and was totally focused on me.  I didn’t take my eyes off his.

When I was right in his face, I leaned forward…

And snapped the bag up into my mouth then raced off into the night.  Ha!!  Mourn your chicken, human, for you shall never get it back!  Mwaa ha ha!

“Hey!  Hey!  Get back here, bitch!”

Bitch is a female dog, idiot, not a cat.  You’re dumber than I thought.  I’m a queen, dude, get it right!

And what a fine name for a female cat, too, don’t you agree?


Okay, so you might have noticed that our feline herione is pretty...spunky.  Not sure if I can keep the jokes coming, folks!  Writting a back-talking cat character is harder than it looks!  :P

And by the way, I've got animals here, and it really is responsible to spay/nuter your pets.  Don't want millions of furry Rugrats...unless you do want them.  I've just got to write this from the poor pet's point of view.

So see you all later!  Remeber to do your public service and drop a comment! :)


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