Chapter 14

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Hola, my poor fans.  I am finally back from my vacation, and I DIDN'T UPLOAD!  I'm so sorry, but when I tried getting internet, I had to agree to a policy that said a third party could see what i'm doing, and I'm like  O.o  I couldn't do it, due to paranoia that someone could get on my account while I was on it and mess things up!!

And I feel even worse due to the fact that this chapter is so short!  T-T  But I'm working on the other one right this instant to upload as soon as I can.  So there is no voting requirements for this chapter (though still they are appriecated).  Just enjoy the fluffy kitty  =^.^=  (I have now added pictures on most chapters, you should check them out, XD )

Also, this video has nothing to do with the actual chapter, other than I couldn't stop laughing and it's a cat.  You should totally watch it  ^^  Think of it as an apology.

~ your wonderful and apologetic author Noelle


I woke to silence.

Curled up in blankets with sunlight streaming through Milo’s window.  He wasn’t there.

Deciding to find him, I lifted out of my warm fuzzy towel and stretched leisurely, working out all of the kinks before trotting to the door to see what he was doing.

Then it hit my like an old woman with a heavy purse – I had been high.  On catnip, of all things.  I didn’t even know cats could get high off catnip.

Curious now to what the damage was, I opened the door and wandered out of the room, glancing in all the other rooms as I moved past.  Leisurely strolling, I made my way down the stairs and found Milo scrubbing the now empty fridge.  My gut twisted in guilt when I saw all of the work I had set him to clean.

He must have heard me, because he looked up and narrowed his eyes.  “How’d you get out?”

Oops.  Uh, my fairy godmother opened the door for me?  No?  Yeah, didn’t think you’d buy that.  Or hear me selling you that. 

I just innocently picked up a dishtowel in my mouth and jumped onto the counter.  Folding it was hard with paws, but I managed and set it aside.  Milo watched, apparently fascinated.  I grabbed a second one to start the process again.

“What kind of cat knows how to fold cloths?  Are you even a cat?”

I glanced at him, my gaze sardonic.  What do I look like, a cow?  Of course I’m a cat.  After telling him off (as if he could hear it) I returned to folding.

His rapt attention suddenly turned sour.  “Do you know I’m missing the party for this?”

I narrowed my eyes at him.  That reminds me.  You were going to take four girls, weren’t you?

And why do I pretend you can hear me and wait for an answer?  I don’t think it’s healthy.

Time flew by as we continued to clean in tense silence.  Every once and a while I’d look up to see Milo staring at me while I folded something or put utensils where they were meant to go.  I could only guess what he was thinking, seeing a cat so intelligent, but I felt too guilty to just let him clean by himself.  It was my fault, anyways, he shouldn’t have to be here doing this.

I wonder where Jill is.  Maybe she’s doing something after school.  Or she’s at the party.

I didn’t know what to think of that: I was kind of glad she hadn’t been here to see crazy cat.  But the clean-up was hard without an extra pair of paws. 

I know.  Bad cat humor.  But this furry life has to have something remotely funny, even a cheesy feline joke.  A corny joke.  Why do people say foody jokes...?  Could I saw a jelly joke?  Now I'm going to stop being weird...

Soon enough all the damage was repaired.  Well, anything that could be repaired.  Unlike the poor blender shattered on the floor and dragged into the living room.  There were some things I still don’t even remember doing, like tipping the potted plants and tracking the dirt.  Or getting soap from under the sink and filling the sink with a bubble bath.  Or knocking all the pictures from the walls.  And some other…minor…things.

All of those minor things took the rest of the afternoon to complete, must to the disgust of Milo.  While we moved into the living room Jill came home.  I learned she had been at the party.  I checked her over anxiously, but she was clear of damage and drunkenness.  I blushed under my fur thinking about how I hadn’t attended the party yet I had been so high I could see the stars.  Kinda sad.

When Jill first saw the mess, she blamed it on Milo (he he :3 ) and when he told her she didn’t believe her.  I still felt bad and had had to show off my smartness and the bag of catnip before she really believed him (she was a little weired out by my inelegance, but got over it).  She pitched in cleaning, then when it was done went upstairs.

I was lounging on the couch, only feeling a little guilty but very hungry.  Milo was fixing himself a sandwich in the kitchen.  I thought for a minute, then jumped up and crawled into the kitchen.  Milo glared down at me; I put on the anime cat—huge sparkling eyes and big ears laid flat.  Several seconds passed as he stared.  Then with a roll of his eyes he placed a small piece of ham on the counter.  I immediately jumped up and ate it greedily, purring my pleasure.  Mmm, honeysmoked.

I jumped when his hand touched my head hesitantly.  I looked up at him, but he was busy eating his sandwich and looking the other way like he didn’t want to admit he was petting me.  I smiled internally and purred louder, letting his hand go down my back and up my tail.  His hand was actually very warm and comforting.  The guilt was dissipating and was replaced with warmth.

Then he took his hand back and went up stairs, leaving another piece of ham behind him.  I watched him go (noticing how cute his butt was) and then stared at the peace offering.  Then I ate it.

It tasted wonderful.

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