Angle : ooo bhabhi but she is looking like a princess na

Adwai : you can call me anything you like angle ..

After intro with angle .. Prateek stood beside Adwai and asked her to introduce him with her friends ..

Adwai : sure bhaiya why only them you should meet their husbands too.
Jyoti laughed hearing her reply ..

Prateek : dam mam what a wife you got yaar ...

After their chit chat they left to have dinner Vishal and Adwai were asked to sit together and eat from same plate .

Prateek : bhabhi please fed Vishal with your hands ..

Adwai was shocked with his demand and blushed but Vishal was egarly waiting for her to fed him ... Mean while jyoti has some other plan . she brought some ladoo in which she. already put some red chilles ...

Jyoti : Prateek these are for you and your friends from our side as a token of sorry ...

Prateek : arey why so much formalities ji we are family only .. We didnt mind that ..

Jyot: no please i insist ..
Prateek thought something fishy . so he made a plan ..

Prateek : hey sorry should be from our side so please you and your friends have these ladoos then we will too take it ..
(He smiled inside his mind and thought now you will see who the real devil is )

Jyoti thought that now her plan is back fired on her so she changed the topic and asked Adwai to fed Vishal . and she changed the ladoos when Prateek is busy in talking with Vishal ..jyoti smile and thought in his mind now mr officer you will see who is the real boss ...and moved her attention towards her friend were Prateek was unaware of his plan and took the ladoo and ate it .. 

After sometime he felt a burning sensation in his mouth and cried because of and asked for water but thier was no water on the table because jyoti already did the arrangement before and intensionally didn't put water on table

She was enjoying looking towards Prateek who was jumping in his seat for water and suddenly a laugh left from her mouth and Prateek looked at her . he understood that this was her plan and decided to take revenge on her ...Adwai gave him a sweet inorder to help him and asked her cousin to bring water for him ...

Then again she was asked to fed Vishal ..

She took sweet and move towards his lips and fed him sweet in that process Vishal intensionally sucked her fingers to tease her this made her blush more she lowered her lashes and avoid looking towards him . Then vishal too took a piece of sweet and moved towards her lips .. She open her mouth so that he could fed her little liquide fell from sweet on her lips which didnt went unnoticed by Vishal he wiped the liquide from her lips with his thumb . her body went stif when his thumb touched her lips she raised her lashed to look at him and saw him sucking the liquide that he wiped from her lips from his thumb ...
She looked towards other and saw everyone busy in eating thier food ..

She felt his breath near his ear

Vishal : its was too sweet and please dont blush more i want to just grab and eat them ..

Ji !!! Her eyes went wide hearing his words and she bend down her head and blushed more ..


They the bride and groom were taken for a rasam by bride mother where bride and groom both put their hand in ghee and then print it on the wall as it was a symbol of thier new bond . then bhabhi removed the kalgi from his pagdi and kept it as it was also a rasam ..

vivaah ( bond of heart a journey of marriage)Where stories live. Discover now