"Just a little hungover.." The younger mutters, and tightens his hold on Taehyung. Taehyung was getting slightly aroused by their position, and he leans down next to Jungkook's ear.

"You're making it very hard not to take you right here right now, Jungkook." Taehyung whispers, and Jungkook instantly lets go of him and falls back on to the bed.

"I'm sorry--"

"Don't worry. I won't do anything until you're ready." He kisses his forehead and rolls over to the side. They both crawl under the covers, and Jungkook puts his hand on Taehyung's chest.

"I think I might be falling for you, Taehyung.." He whispers and lays his head on Taehyung's shoulder. Taehyung smiles widely and rubs his back.

"So the answer is yes?"


"You'll be my boyfriend?"

Jungkook's mouth opens in shock and he stares at Taehyung. The older laughs and points to the other's ring finger. "I mean, you already have the ring."

A gasp leaves Jungkook's lips and he raises his hand up to his face to examine the beautiful band. "When did you.."

"It was quite embarrassing, actually." Taehyung begins, tracing his thumb on Jungkook's jaw line. "I got down on my knee and asked if you'd like to be my boyfriend, and you said no and passed out."

"Oh my god.." Jungkook's face turns bright red and he ducks his head in embarrassment. The older cups the back of his neck and makes him look at him.

"Be my boyfriend." He waits for Jungkook's answer, and bites his lip. A grin slipped onto Jungkook's face and he nods.

"I will."

And he kissed him with all the love in his heart.


He woke up alone.

The vacancy of the right side of the bed alarmed Taehyung and he awoke with a start.

Last night had been the best night of his life. After they had the most mind blowing sex, they fell asleep in each other's arms and slept soundly.


There was no sex, because Jungkook fell asleep in the middle of making out. Taehyung shook his head and got up, throwing on some sweats and a long sleeve. Running a hand through his hair, he smiled at the ring on his finger and walked downstairs.

He was convinced that the house was empty until he heard voices from inside his dad's old study. Making sure to be quiet, he peers through the cracked door.

"How come you never told me about this?" Mrs. Kim was standing near the book shelf with her arms crossed. She was talking to, to Taehyung's surprise, Jungkook.

"Because it doesn't matter." Jungkook says, glaring at her.

"Doesn't matter?" She scoffs. "Do you know how twisted this is, Jungkook? You can't be with him - you'll make this even more difficult."

"I can be with whoever the hell I want to." Jungkook snarls, and slams his hand on the bookshelf ledge. "It's not my fault you fucked up and gave me awa --"

"Be quiet!" Mrs. Kim slaps his cheek hard and glowers at him in hatred. "I had to! You were a -- if you had stayed, we all would've suffered."

"I was a mistake. I know that." Jungkook whispers, and looks down. "But I'm your mistake. You have to take responsibility! I didn't ask to live like this!"

Mrs. Kim stays silent, and Taehyung's mind races with different theories and thoughts.

"He makes me happy." He continues, making straight on eye contact with Taehyung's mom. "And I am not letting you take my happiness anymore."

Jungkook starts to exit the study, and Taehyung runs to the stairs and sprints up them. Once he makes it to his room, he dives under the covers and pretends to sleep.

But the conversation he wasn't supposed to hear kept repeating itself in his head. There was definitely something going on - and he planned to find out.

and so the plot thickens

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