Christmas part 2

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Hi guys lollipop here and sorry but my high school story is no more. It's gone it's won't let me post no matter how hard i try sorry. I will post an update next chapter. So let start this chapter.

Y/N pov

So after Levin left my room I got up, made my bed, got my clothes ( pic on top ), and took a shower.
When I was in the shower I heard someone in my room. So I quietly turned off the shower and put a towel on my head and a long one around my body so you can't see my tail or any of that stuff. I quietly and quickly open the door and see the two Cassanovas in my room. I stand there for a while until they noticed me, then I asked,
"So what are you boys doing in my room?"
They were quiet for a little then Laurence spoke up,
"We were look for you to tell you your house is done."
" can you two boys leave so I can get changed." I said.
So they quickly walk out while blushing a dark red.
Aww thats too cute there blushing. So I get changed into my clothes (again pic above) and then went out side.

Laurence pov

Wow I can't believe me and Garroth walked into her room and saw her only raped in 2 towels. After that wow me and him were blushing super hard. I think I should get her somthing to say sorry.
So i run to the plaza and look around the shops.
'let's see leather store no, ice cream too cold for that, chocolate yes, jewelry yes thats better' I think to myself. So I go to the jewelry store and buy a necklace thats f/c, can open and hold 2 small pictures, and has her name on it. I also got her a ( favorite flower )

Garroth pov

I feel so bad doing that to her. You know what I'm going to buy her some chocolate. So I walked to the plaza and went to the chocolate store. I got her ( favorite chocolate ) and ( favorite flower ).

Garroth and Laurence pov

I think this is good just to say sorry and Merry Christmas. I'm starting to think that I like her I wonder if she likes me.

Levin pov

Hehe I play hide and seek with big brother and Mommy. Mommy is counting and I hide in tree house with big brother. Mommy will never find me. Hehe

Aphmau pov

So I'm playing hide and seek with my two little boys but I can't find them. So I start asking everyone were they are but they don't know either. So I look outside the gates and go around the walls once I see the big tree house and see two little boys in there. So I run back in the gates, then past the houses, pasted the plaza, up the hill to my house. Then I stop not because of me getting hurt but the smell of fire and seeing Shara putting my little babbied tree house on fire.
"HELP!! HELP My Kids Are In A Burning Tree!!" I yelled.
No one heard me.

Y/n pov

I was walking to my new house when all of a sudden my wolf ears hear kids and aphmau scream for help. No one else heard this so I ran to her as fast as I can, my hood even fell of but I didn't care. I was too slow in human form and i knew I would never make it in time if i was like this. So I turned into a wolf and ran as fast as I can to her. Once I got there aphmau was more scared because of me, but I didn't care all I care for all I care for is for the children's safety. So I ran into the burnig forest. And jump on the burning wood I didn't care if it hurt or if I was bleeding. I used my nails to clim up. Once I was inside I see Levin crying and Malachi passed out from the smoke. So I put Levin and Malachi on my back. Levin holds on to both me and Malachi then I run and jump out of the tree. I land on the hard floor but still weakly limp to aphmau and give her back the two children. I go into human form and put my hood on and before I black out I said,
"Merry Christmas"

Well thats it for today i hoped you enjoyed reading this chapter and if you did please leave a vote that would be awesome. This chapter was 808 wirds long.
And btw there will be and update chapter in the next 5 min so yha

Lollipop out

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