Chapter 35

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Sorry i didn't know what yo call this chapter so yha it's called chapter 35 XD.
Well lets get this started.

Garroth pov

What the hell did i just do.
I think i just f***ed up.
"Oh my irean, I am so sorry." i said apologizing over and over.
"Garroth i-it's ok really." she said.
How can she be ok with this i kissed her out of no were. Ok i might be over reacting right now.
"Garroth can you just please do me a huge fav." she asked.
"Yeah, but what is it" i ask.
"Can You please let Kage and Laurence out." she asked nervously.
"Yeah but, I'm not sure about Laurence." i said.
"HE'S GOING TO DIE IN THERE IF YOU DON'T GET GIM OUT!" she yelled sounding angry.

Y/n pov

Ugh, why is being like this. He knows he's going to die.
"Fine, I'll take them both out" he said.
"Thank you Garroth." i said.
So garroth and i walk over to the prison and we first we let Kage out.
"Kage you know you don't have to ve in your wolf form." i said.
He sighs and saids,
"I know, i just don't want you to see me in my human form."
"Ok, but when we go home you will show me." i said.
(and i know what you dirty minds are thinking. Remember there is no lemon in this book)
"Fine" he said.
We walk over to Laurence's cell and he's in the darkest corner. I can brilly see him.

Yeah i know its a short chapter but hi at least there is a chapter. Btw the reason why it's short is because i was writting a chapter on my way to six flags and im here so yha.

Lollipop out.

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