Saku's Birthday!!

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× guys! Warning! Hold onto your feels DX ×

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~~~~~~~~~Taehyung POV~~~~~~~

I slowly open my eyes to a sunlit ceiling. I slept better than I have in a while. I turn my head and Saku is gone an Jimin is still sleeping. I pick up my phone off the nightstand and look at the time 10:25 am. Not too late.

I roll onto my side and groan not wanting to get up due to the huge amount of comfort. I then sit up on the edge of the bed and run my fingers through my hair making it messy and look around the room.

I stand up and walk to the door and walk towards the living room. I hear the tv but it's really quiet. I see Saku laying on the couch sleeping and chuckle slightly. God she's so cute... I walk over to her and slowly climb onto the couch with her and pull her on top of me close to my chest. She moves around a little but snuggles into my chest smiling slightly.

"Saku." I whisper. "I want a kiss." She moves a little and says,

"Mm what tae?" She looks up at me and smiles with her eyes slightly open then closes them again and starts to sleep. I wrap my arms around her and she snuggles into my neck. I close my eyes still pretty tired myself.

After a minute or two, I hear a door from down the hallway open then close. I keep my eyes closed still trying to sleep. I hear footsteps come down the hall and into the living room then I hear someone say,

"Ai!" Then I hear their feet hit the floor loudly as they run back down the hall. I keep my eyes closed as I hear several heavy footsteps go down the hall. I open my eyes to see Jimin and Jungkook standing by the tv with their phones. Then I hear a camera click.

"Oi!" They jump, startled. "What are you doing? I'm trying to sleep." They hide their phones behind their backs.

"N-Nothing..." Says Jungkook blushing slightly in embarrassment.

"We were taking pictures of you and Saku haha." Says Jimin. Jungkook slaps his arm.

"You weren't supposed to tell them!" He sighs in disappointment. They walk back and Jungkook slaps Jimin in the back of the head and starts fussing at him. I chuckle then poke Saku on the cheek. She didn't move.

"Saku." I say a rub her cheek lightly. "It's time to get up." I shake her shoulder and she moves a bit then opens her eyes. She blinks a couple times then looks up at me.

"Hey." She mumbles tiredly. I chuckle.

"Let's go somewhere." I say thinking of the perfect birthday surprise. She looks at me confused.

"What's the occasion?" She says smiling. I can't say her birthday soo....

"Well we never get alone time so I thought we could go into town and do stuff." She looks sad for a second then nods and gets up and walks into the hall. I sigh. She was upset and I really didn't like it but I want to surprise her. I follow her to her room.
"Saku." I said looking at my twiddling thumbs.

"Yes?" I see her looking at me from the corner of my eye. I smiled and looked at her.

"Pack a bag." She looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Mm? (What?) For what?" I just smile.

"You'll see!" I smile a big toothy grin.

~~~~~~~~later that dayyyy let's go!~~~~~~~~still Taehyung POV!~~~~~~~~~

I told the boys my plan and they all thought I was a romantic genius. I would tell you my plan now but that'd take all the fun and surprises away ;)

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