:Chapter 12 ~ Knight in Shining Armor:

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"Wow, when you said he was an asshole, you weren't lying.." Sting mutters, before his eyes widen, "YOU!"

Klein pouts innocently, "Me?"

"YOU KIDNAPPED (Y/N)!" Sting accuses, his arms spread in front of you like a shield.

"(Y/N)!" More shouts of relief. Everyone.. From Makarov to Romeo, everyone was there.

"Minna.." A soft smile appeared.




"CHARGE!" [2]

Before you knew it, battle was breaking out. Sparks flew, explosions were heard, and guests from the wedding fled. Your father's 'minions', you liked to call them, fought alongside Klein while you were there, standing innocently in your wedding gown. Your father disappeared in the commotion, and--

"HELP!" You barely got to think before there were vines around your neck.

Thorns.. You think. They're digging into my skin.. My neck.. It hurts.



Sting freezes at the sound of your distressed voice.

"Drop everything. Stop your magic.. I'm not afraid to harm my own daughter."

Sting's heart nearly stops.

Your father is behind you, his hand out, controlling the vines currently on your throat. (Darth Vader, much? I just ruined it didn't I?)

Sting spots small amounts of blood dripping down your neck. You start shaking..


You start to shake..

'No.. Not this day.. You feel tears start to well in your eyes as you spot your three year old self clutching your doll. You're innocently frolicking in the gardens as your father is working inside, watching you from a window. Your mother comes up to you, and you hear the words..


"Yes, momma?"

"I'm leaving, okay..?"

"Okay, but come back soon so me and Chikai and you can have a tea party!"

Your mother sighed sadly before speaking, "(Y/N).. I'm.. Not coming back.."

Your little three-year-old eyebrows furrowed. "But.. Wh-why?" Your voice wavered.

"I'm.. Sorry." She kneeled down, her hand resting on your cheek. "I'll visit, okay?"

"Why..? Why, momma? Do.. Do you not love me?"

She gasped and there were now tears running down your cheeks, both you and three-year-old you. You mother brought you into an embrace. "I love you with all my heart, (Y/N), you know that."

She bopped your nose and a soft giggle escaped your lips.

"Don't tell daddy." Were her last words.

You don't know why you allowed her to go..

You nodded.

As she left, you stood there, holding Chikai.

Your three-year-old self whispers, "Goodbye, momma.."

"Goodbye, momma.." You echo, your voice hollow.

And that was the last time you saw her.'


Sting saw you go limp shortly after shaking.

"Tch. Weak, pathetic little girl." Your father spits.

"What kind of a father are you.. " Natsu starts.

"Calling your own daughter weak and pathetic," Erza continues.


Sting stands there, watching the tendrils of green constrict themselves tighter around your neck. There are tears running down your cheeks as you relive a flashback or receive a vision. You start murmuring, and the words your father hears next..

"Goodbye, momma.."

He drops you. His pupils dilate from pure shock.

Sting lunges for you, catching you in his arms.


Your eyes start opening.. My throat.. Everything hurts.. Why does everything hurt? Klein. Whipping, torturing you when you defy him. "S-sting.." You murmur, your eyes closing. You let a tear fall, and he gently kisses it.

"(Y-Y/N).." He whispers; his voice sounds broken. His arms pat your entire body, and you're positive he felt every single scar and wound. His heartbeat was audible.. It was going a million. You feel a small pressure on your neck, and you realize Sting's lightly touching your wounds. "GILDARTS!" He barks. You feel yourself being lifted into someone's arms, Gildarts', hopefully.


Sting is finally able to breathe as he hears his name escape your lips. He softly whispers yours, and calls Gildarts. He's angered, from feeling the multiple injuries on you, depressed that he wasn't able to do anything while you got them.. (Okay, I'm back, but.. WHERE TF WAS I GOING WITH THIS? Idk, so I'm gonna switch it back to your PoV)


There's poison in your system, you can feel it. Your eyelids feel heavy, you're barely able to open them. You're safely in Gildarts' arms, as he runs.. You start to feel drowsy as unconsciousness overtakes your body.

They've found you..

They've saved you..

Now they need to help you.

A/N - Did I just end it like that? YES I DID.


[1] - Akuno, better known as Aku No, literally means 'evil' in Japanese. *insert trollface meme*

[2] - I completely forget what I was gonna write for this..


moonlit → sting eucliffe x reader (EDITING)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें