Ask #27: To Anyone

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starrysky789 asked: How do new guardians know what they're doing? Like did someone help them learn what to do and like how to do their job and junk?

"Since I was the first guardian," Sky boasts slightly, "I was trained by a mysterious person. The female guardian we've mentioned," he narrowly misses a flying book, "I had to admit. She was beautiful."

"I hate her guts," Jordan hisses, "not to change the question. But bringing her up leaves a bad taste in my mouth."

"Yeah? What'd she do," Sky challenges.

"Killed my entire family to make me join."


"To get back on topic," Ty coughs, "we learned the basic rules from Sky, and kind of had to learn ourselves to control our powers. Some are easy, as Brice has art. But shadows? That's more difficult."

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