The Information Update #2

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Sky puts papers together, clearing his throat.

"In case things happen to fast here's an update. I'm back. Taylor, Tyler, and Quentin are back. Kk is the Guardian of Healing. Taylor is still the Guardian of Shadows. Jordan is recovering memories. Ty won't get off me-"

"I've missed you!"

"Love you too," Sky pats his head, "oh and Mitch is having a baby right at this moment. Jerome's freaking out in that corner over there."

-Somewhere else-

Two hooded figures are walking on a dirt road. One is shorter than the other and dragging a bloody sword. The taller has coin clicking in a bag with every step.

When they said all guardians to return. It included these two.

The forgotten two are taking questions. Be warned. You have 16 chapters left.

Ask the Crafter Guardians.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz