Caution part 2

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"She's coming for (Y/N)" Isaac said.

"She said she just wants to talk but you never know what what's she's going to do" Scott said.

"Well we'll be here it's fine" Stiles said grabbing hold of my waist. Just as he did that Malia burst through the door.

"I've come here to talk I swear I won't hurt her" she said sympathetically.

Stiles looked down at me. "I'll be fine, just let me talk to her okay?" I asked. He nodded before kissing for forehead and walking upstairs with the others leaving me and Malia alone.

"So what do want to talk about?" I asked Malia crossing my arms.

"Well it's about Stiles" she said sternly.

"What about Stiles?" I glared at her

"He loves you right?" She questioned

"Well yeah" I said not so confidently

"Why did your heart skip when I said that?" She smirked " your not sure are you" she laughed. I was speechless I couldn't think of anything to say to her which made me terrified seeing as I always win my arguments. "Well what if I could help you" she said stepping closer.

"I don't need your help" I spat at her.

"Oh really well you will after this" she laughed as she lunged at me.

"MALIA NO" Scott shouted and he sprinted down the stairs. But it was to late. Malia had bit me and I was going to change.

"Let's see how much Stiles loves you now that you're going to be an over angered, fierce were-coyote" she laughed as she walked out of the door.

My vision started to go fussy and my hearing echoed. "(Y/N)... (Y/N)" Stiles cried "it's okay she's not going to get away with this" he said angrily. Then everything turned black.

I woke up gasping for breath. I saw 5 people stood around me. Stiles, Scott, Isaac, Lydia and Deaton. "Finally awake I see" I heard Dr.Deaton laugh

"I need to see Theo" I said.

"Theo? Why Theo?" I heard Stiles say confused.

"He's the only one who can help me" I said.

"But you need someone with a strong connection to help you from changing" Scott said.

"And I think my brother would be perfect" I said getting of the table and walking out of the vets.

"Wait (Y/N)" I heard Stiles say. I turned back to look at him.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Theo before... I just... Didn't want you to leave me" I said tears forming in my eyes.

"Are you kidding" he laughed " I wouldn't leave you because Theo's your brother"

"Really? You all seem to hate him" I laughed wiping away my tears.

"Well at first we did but then I guess we can deal with him" he smirked.

"Can I get a ride to Theo's then please" I smiled up at him.

"Fine get in the car" he smiled.

*Drive to Theo's*

"So what do we do about Malia" I asked nervously.

"Well let's just say she's going to wish she never even laid eyes on you" he said gripping the steering wheel tight.

"What's that supposed to mean" I said concerned.

"It means we're just going to scare her that's all" he said looking at me putting his hand on my thigh.

When we arrived at Theo's Stiles stayed in the car as I went up to the door. I rang the door bell and Theo's "mom" answered the door. "I'll go get him for you darling" she smiled.

I turned back to Stiles to give him the thumbs up. He smiled at me and looked down at his phone. "Long time no see" Theo chuckled as he engulfed me in a hug.

"Hey bro" I smiled as I walked in the house.

"So how come you're here. Well the even bigger question why did Stiles willingly drive you here?" He said with a concerned look on his face.

"Well we have a little problem" I looked down at my feet.

"Which is? Nothing we can't fix right?" He said

I looked up at him with my golden eyes. "Oh god" he said putting his hand on his mouth the strait back down to his lap. "Who did this" he said angrily.

"No Theo it's-" I started before being cut off.

"WHO WAS IT" he yelled.


"Just tell me who it is" he said calmly.

I sighed really no wanting to tell him but he probably wouldn't leave until I told him. "Malia" I whispered.

"But a beta can't change someone" he said confused.

"What if she killed her alpha and she's hiding her true eye colour" I said "wait is that even possible" I asked.

"We're gonna find out he said" grabbing his jack wills jacket and running out of the door to Stiles' jeep. "We need to go back to Deaton now" he said to Stiles as we climbed in the jeep.

"What's going on?" Stiles asked as we drove to the vets.

I was about to say something until Theo spoke up "it's just a few questions for Deaton"

As we arrived at the vets Lydia car was still here. Theo walked in first and me and Stiles followed. Everyone looked at him then at me.

"So you two are related" Isaac said.

"Yes" Theo said. "Where's Deaton"

"Right here" he said coming out of a medicine room. "What's the matter?" He asked.

"Is it possible for a werewolf or were-coyote to hide their true eye colour" I asked.

"What do you mean" Deaton asked

"I mean Scotts an alpha right?" Everyone nodded "could Scott change his eye colour back to blue or golden to hide the fact that he was an alpha" Everyone looked at me with confused looks until Lydia caught on to what I was talking about.

"You mean when Malia changed you we thought it was impossible because she's a beta" I nodded " but she's not a beta she's an alpha she's hiding it so she can become part of someone's pack"

"Or so she can discretely make a pack" Scott said.
Damn those plot twists though. I didn't expect that to be so long. Part 3 may or may not be the last part :,) hope you guys enjoy <3

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