"Eli, that may be so but we make a good team. We're apparently right for each other, according to my sister. After Olivia and I left, she began gushing over the fact that we were dating. She kept saying how pretty you were and she went on to say about how beautiful our babies would be, if we had any. I know sex and having children is a sore subject right now but she did say that. I don't even know why she was the one gushing, when you're my girlfriend. And I do have to agree with her, except to me, you're beautiful. You're beautiful because you're still remaining strong after everything that happened. You're beautiful because you're still caring and amazing after everything that happened. I personally expected you to push everyone away and not accept their help. I expected you to push me away especially. I don't know why I expected it, I just did" Greg admitted. His confession was amazing. He was amazing. I did make me fall ten times over. Rhetorically though, not physically. That'd be awkward, if that happened.

"I expected it of myself too. I thought, after we got out of the hellhole that I'd push you and everyone else away but I'm surprised at how easy it is to keep you in my grasp. To keep all of you there. I know becoming acquaintances with Ella and Lottie, probably wasn't an easy thing to do but it means we can all grow as people. And I'll be happy with a few more girl friends, because Laurie and Aiden certainly don't give a crap about me right now, probably never have. Did your sister really say what she did?"

"I'm certainly positive that she did. I did hear her correctly; I'm not making it up or telling lies. I know both are the same thing but I'm really not. I'm being truthful. And to sum it up, you really are beautiful regardless of what anyone else says. You have little self-respect for yourself. And that's a bad quality to have. Yes, I put everyone's needs well before mine and I kinda still do but I'm learning to appreciate that I'm needed here and that I do need to put my own safety and worries before anyone else. I know that I'm going on a never-ending journey but I'm willing to sail that ship to help myself and I wanna be there, helping you too. I need you in my life Elianna and I need you there, helping me too. I know that's a big ask to specifically ask but can we please promise each other that we'll be there, helping each other through this difficult time. To love and to cherish each moment we spend, just so we can get through and get by" He pleaded.

"Greg, of course I'll be there. I need you so badly, it hurts some times. You're my saviour because you tried to stand up for me in the warehouse; you tried to protect me because I was vulnerable. You tried to sacrifice yourself to protect me and that was a stupid thing to do. Believe me, it was but I love you for it. I love you for trying to be sustainable in a horrible situation and I love you for trying to be perfect but I love your flaws as well. To some people, they might pick out your flaws but to me, your flaws are what make you, you. They make you who you are and don't forget that. I'm not saying the words 'I love you' just yet; I was just using them in a context to express how I really felt those times in that warehouse for what you did. I do, however, like you so damn much, even when I was a sarcastic so and so. I need you here too, don't forget that"

"That's something I can't and wouldn't forget. You're my everything, Elianna. However, don't think we've had our first couple kiss yet" He said raising his eyebrows. I just giggled at his action and stepped forward, towards him.

"You'll have to help me here since I'm smaller than you," I whispered as I placed my hands on his waist.

Greg bent down as I reached up a little, on my tiptoes. Our mouths connected in a whirlwind. My first kiss with Greg was amazing. The rhetorical fireworks went off in my head, the rhetorical dizziness set in and it was amazing. The kiss was soft but firm and it was just right. After about five seconds, we departed from our kiss and begun staring at each other.

"Thank you," He whispered.

"You're welcome. However, I think it might be best to get back to the 'welcome lounge' back at your flat. They'll be worried in case we're tearing the hair out of each other," I laughed.

All Things Possible - District3 - Greg WestWhere stories live. Discover now