Chapter 22

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(Y/n)'s POV

~The next day~

I woke up and saw a cute dress at the end of my sleeping bag. Did Catherine put that there for me? I got changed and went outside.

"Good morning (Y/n), do you like the dress?" Catherine asked.
"Good morning. I love the dress, thank you." She smiled. The others were already up.
"What are we eating for breakfast?" Roberto asked.
"I-I don't know, I don't really eat breakfast."
"Don't worry, I called the butlers to come and make it," Alan exclaimed.
"Um, thank you?"
"(Y/n), come play with me," said Alan.
"Okay." He came up to me and touched my hand.
"You're it."

It is so on. I simply tagged him back before he could get away. He went and tagged Glenn. Glenn just walked over to Roberto.

"Hey Roberto," Glenn said as he patted him on the back.
"Um, hi?" Roberto replied, confused.
"You're it."

I giggled. I quietly got away since I knew I had a big advantage over them. About an hour later, breakfast was ready. I walked up to Keith.

"Yeah?" As he turned his head around, I poked his cheek.
"Got you."

After breakfast, we packed up the tents. I went inside the limo that Keith and Catherine were going in.

"How did you get all this stuff ready?"
"I just can," then she added, "Girl power, something men don't have."
"Hey! I heard that," Keith stated in an annoyed tone. Catherine and I giggled. A few minutes later, we arrived at their residence.
"Thanks for inviting me, I'll see you soon."
"Bye (Y/n)," Catherine replied. I was about to call Igneel but Roberto stopped me.
"Come on," he said before dragging me to his limo.
"Where are we going?"
"Somewhere." I called Igneel anyway.
"Where would you like to go?" Igneel asked.
"You can just whisper the location to him," I told Roberto.

I blocked my ears so that I wouldn't hear what he was saying. We got on after he told Igneel the secret location.

"Why did you call Igneel?" Roberto asked.
"Because it's faster."

~At his palace~

"So what are we doing here?"
"You'll see," he replied with a cheeky grin.

I followed him to a large room. He wrote something down on a piece of paper. When I looked at it, I realised that he had signed me up for a talent show! What was I supposed to do?! I looked around at the contestants. They could make beautiful clothing or draw amazing things. I was doomed. Roberto saw the look on my face.

"What am I gonna do?!"
"Don't worry, just believe in yourself. I know you can do it," he answered.

I smiled. I went backstage. The maids gave me a beautiful dress to change into.

"Thank you."

I went to the change rooms. It somehow fitted me perfectly. There were five contestants, including me.

"First up is Elizabeth, the 'queen of fashion'," the announcer exclaimed. She got up on stage and made a cute outfit in less than 5 minutes. Everyone applauded before she went backstage.
"Our second contestant is Maria, the 'blossoming rose'." Maria went up on stage and produced a bunch of blood red roses. Suddenly, her clothing turned into the petals of a rose. It was beautiful. *loud applause*
"Next up is Erica, the 'jackpot of moves'." She went up on stage and did a variety of different dances. She was very talented. *loud applause*
"Our fourth contestant is Jane, the 'paint of rainbows'." She came up and drew a picture of a beautiful setting but the only thing that had colour - other than black and white - was a single rose. *loud applause.*
"Our last contestant is (Y/n), the 'angel of snow'."

I got up on stage. Was I allowed to use magic? I glanced at Roberto and he just smiled at me reassuringly. I looked at the maids and they turned the brightness of the lights down.

I focused my magic and released it. An ice chandelier was made and it seemed to glow. It looked like it was raining sparkles. I also used my magic to change my dress. Then I silently stomped my foot down and was surrounded by ice/snow roses. *loud applause* I went offstage.

"The judges have decided. The winner is...(Y/n)!" said the announcer. Me?! I gratefully accepted the award.
"Great job," Roberto congratulated.
"But why did I win?"
"Because you did." I smiled, I was happy.

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