I felt a hand grab me and spin me around, Klaus was just staring at me with his sad face looking straightly in my eyes. Then my tears flow down , damn it, what am I doing?

"I'm happy you found a replacement." I said sarcastically.

"Cami is not a replacement." He said his words firm.

"She is more than a replacement. You care for her." I said bitterly trying to hold my tears.

"No. She's just a friend." He said looking at the ground. Friend? He is telling me that she is just his friend? Who is he kidding?

I spin around and run away using my vampire speed but he followed me. I roll my eyes at him and run away again to the top of the building and there were I can't control my emotions anymore and break down. I put my hands on my mouth to prevent me from sobbing out loud as I look at the beautiful city of New Orleans.

I can still remember when Klaus called me and told me that he can't wait to bring me here and let me see this place. And I can still remember when we fought because of Tyler, and I can still remember when we are on the woods and he promises me to never come back and what I remember the most in is graduation day, where he saved us, and when he told me that he'll wait for me, the night where he first kiss me on my cheeks. I can remember it all, the good times and the bad times, every single little thing, and it's now breaking me to pieces.

I know he is standing there and watching me and when I thought about him, flashbacks just came into my mind. I feel him step closer to me and I spin around facing him tears rolling down my face.

"You told me Klaus! You told me that you wanted me to see what the world has to offer...together. You told me that you intend to be my last and that you would wait however long it takes. You promised." I said breaking down. And when I say those words, flashbacks came running through my mind. Why is this even happening? He is just staring at me his lips parted from each other.

"Caroline." He said in a calming tone as he holds me in my face and I just let him be. I clench my fist where the bracelet that he gave me is. I tried my best not to make a sound while sobbing but I can't.

"I'm sorry Caroline." I can feel my heart breaking. Why does this hurt? I thought he is nothing for me?

"It pains me to see you like this...but..." He stops speaking when we met gazes. We just stayed there silent for a few seconds.

"I'm sorry that I wouldn't be able to travel the world with you anymore, I'm sorry that I-that I...can no longer be the last person. I'm sorry Caroline." I can see the sincerity in his eyes and it just breaking me into pieces.

I look to the ground and back at him as I force a smile.

"It's okay Klaus." But the real thing is, it is not okay, I am not okay.

"Caroline, those promise that I said, I mean, every single word of it, I care for you..." I didn't let him finish and I cut him off once again.

"Don't make this more complicated!" I said not realizing that I yelled the words.

"Klaus..." I took a deep breath before continuing what I have to say.

"We...shouldn't be doing this-I mean we are nothing Klaus, we may have something from the past but that's all...that's it. We have nothing more than that. And maybe our feelings for each other weren't just enough." But for me, right now, all I can feel is my heart breaking into pieces and the sadness eating me.

"You know, every story has its own end, and I think it's time to end ours." I said and was about to turn my back on him when he hold me in my arms and kiss me on my cheeks and it hurts, so damn much.

The Fall (A Katherine Pierce and Klaus Mikaelson Story) Book IWhere stories live. Discover now