Chapter 8

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Ok, so this chapter is dedicated to Charity (@tommoLo) because she is truly amazing and she deals with all of my bullshit teehee. She always listens to me and makes me feel better and I WUV HER! everyone give her a virtual hug! yay ok here's the long awaited chapter!

Chapter Eight--Emilee

The room was plain and white. It smelled of lavender, probably from all the air freshener that must have been sprayed to erase the existence of all the horrible smells from the previous patients.

Harry was sat in a cold plastic chair in the far corner of the room looking out the large window. He was watching two birds in a large oak tree right outside feed their young. It was always fascinating for him to watch nature run its course. He enjoyed it.

He had been in that very room for the past 6 days. He didn't move unless to go to the bathroom. He had been there ever since the blond Irish lad had been placed in the small white hospital bed.

Niall was laid out on the bed. He was still unconscious and he had many different tubes in and around his fragile body.

It made Harry incredibly sad to look at Niall. Niall was getting paler and paler by the minute.

Sat there in that small chair for so long made Harry think about things. He thought back to that night in Louis' apartment. What Louis had done to Niall had sparked something in Harry and made him take every angry feeling he ever had towards Louis that he bottled up, surface. He lost it.

He wasn't sorry that he'd lost control, but he was sorry that it had gone so far. Louis was in a hospital bed identical to Niall's just a few rooms down the hospital hallway. Harry had not gone to see him, and did not plan on it.

Suddenly, there was a quiet noise that came from the doorway. Harry turned his head, for the first time in hours, to see his cousin standing there awkwardly, wondering if it was acceptable for him to enter the room completely.

"Hi-I H-Hazza..." He said gawkily. Harry just sat there, staring at the man in the doorway with a mixture of hatred and love. He was extremely mad at him, but at the same time, Harry was glad to have him in his life.

"Hi Liam." Harry said to the nervous bloke. "You can come in." Liam cautiously walked into the simple white room. Liam stole a small glance of Niall. The boy really didn't look good. He had bruises on his face and neck, both of his lips were busted and swollen, both of his eyes were black and blue and swollen, he had cuts all over and he just did not look healthy to say the least. The two just sat in the silence for a few minutes and Harry resumed looking out the window.

"So what do you want Liam." He said harshly. Liam gulped and cleared his throat. After seeing what Harry had done to Louis, how mad Harry could get, he had to admit that he was slighty terrified of the curly haired lad.

"I wanted to apologize Harry...for telling." Harry didn't need Liam to specify. He thought about what Liam had done to him almost every day. It clouded his thoughts. If Liam had never done that, Harry would still be attending Beacon Hills. Harry's life would probably be a lot different, had Liam never outed him. Harry stayed quiet, but he turned his head back around to Liam, giving his cousin his full attention. Harry wanted to hear what Liam had to say. He made a nodding gesture to show Liam that it was safe for him to speak.

Liam folded his arms over his chest. He had rehearsed what he would say to Harry,when Harry finally gave him the opportunity to, so many times. Now it was actually happening and his mind was a blank slate.

"Listen Harry.....when I told the guys about you being, ya know..."

"I'm gay Liam. The whole world knows because of you, I think you should be able to say it." Harry interrupted brutally. Liam cringed at the sting behind Harry's words. He took a deep breath and continued speaking to his rude sounding cousin.

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