Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten--Charity

Harry stared wide-eyed as those ocean blue eyes that struggled to open. They barely moved, only opening a small fraction of a centimeter. Pushing the doctor away with his hip, he grabbed Niall's hand in his own. "Come on, Ni.." he whispered softly when they flicked again, "Let me see those eyes..."

His word's drifted down to Niall's still body. "Nialler... Come on. For me...." Harry bit his lip and squeezed the pale hand he was holding gently. The beeping from the machine was driving him insane; if Niall was alive, why wasn't he responding!? Harry watched as Niall's busted lip twitched a little and his nose wrinkled, like he were smelling something foul.

"Son..." the doctor put a hand on Harry's shoulder. "Give him some room to breathe.." He tried to tug Harry away but only succeeded in getting pushed away himself. Dropping his hands in defeat, the doctor stood back with quiet annoyance and watched the boy with the curly hair. "He certainly seems to care about that lad.." he told himself, "I wonder....." His eyes were locked on Harry, his ears catching each word that was said.

Harry brushed his hand across Niall's cheek, still talking. "Come on, Ni... Don't you leave me... Open those pretty blue eyes and let me see them.. Let me hear that laugh again..." It seemed like so long since that irish voice had sounded to him. "Just give me a sign.. Please, Niall...." His heart sank when Niall's face relaxed and the stillness came back.

The doctor watched when Harry's head dropped and he took a seat again. "I'm sorry.." he began, "I really thought he was going to wake up.."

"Don't. ." Harry looked up and offered a weak smile, "I guess it just isn't time for him. You know how the irish are... Its there way or highway..."

All the doctor did was nod before turning to leave. "Just.. Let me know if there are any changes..." With that, he cleared his throat and disappeared down the hallway, the door closing behind him.

The man's footsteps faded away, leaving Harry alone again. He had been so sure that Niall would wake up, that he would open his eyes. "Guess I was wong..", Harry murmured and rubbed the back of Niall's hand. He realized with a tiny smile that they were much bigger than his own.

"And I thought my hands were big..", he laughed softly.  He watched the gentle rise and fall of Niall's chest; their breathing actually matched. "Oh.. Niall... Nialler ..", Harry hummed his name softly.

He hadn't realized how fond he was of the blonde haired boy until now. Louis was a pretty big guy; massive next to Niall and yet, Niall had still basically risked his life. And for what? A boy who was almost six feet tall who couldn't defend himself? Harry had thought himself pathetic at the time.  Looking at Niall's face, he felt a pang of guilt.

It was his fault that Niall was laying in that bed, hooked up to a bunch of beeping machines. "And its all my fault..." Harry swallowed the lump in his throat. The camouflage of black and blue on that pale face was his fault. It was his fault that Niall's shoulder was cracked. But Niall had done it on his own accord. No one had told him to tackle Louis. No one had told him to almost break Louis' jaw. But he had. He had done it for Harry.

Harry was so caught up in his thoughts, he didn't hear the beeping of Niall's heart monitor speed up. He didn't feel the tiny twitch that the hand he held made. It wasn't until the softest sound reached his ears that he looked up. He could have cried like a baby.

"Hey.. H-Harry.." Two blue eyes struggled to stay open. They stared back at him. Niall's face held a weak smile.

"Niall!", Harry gasped and locked his other hand around their already interlocked ones. "You're awake!" He stared wide-eyed at him," You... Your.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2013 ⏰

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