Chapter 2

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Chapter Two--Charity

A crisp autumn breeze blew around Beacon Hills High. Leaves twirled about here and there, fluttering into the backs of parked vehicles and grazing students' faces. It was seven thirty in the morning when Liam stepped out of the silver car he had gotten for his sixteenth birthday, a year ago.

A little oak leaf swirled down from the tree and landed in Liam's hair. Soft curses were uttered when he swatted it away. It wasn't that he wasn't a morning person, he was looking for someone; and having the stupid leaf distracting him was a bother.

He swatted it away a second time and watched as the wind lifted it, carrying it over the sidewalk. The leaf danced into the air until it finally fell to the ground. Liam watched as it was crushed by..white high-tops..?

"Harry has those...." His gaze followed up the tight jeans and dark blue shirt; the siganture attire of Harry Styles. Anxiety welled up in him. Thats who he was looking for. Liam had to apologize for had happened the few months before.

Backpack slung across one shoulder, Liam took off across the parking lot. His legs, toned by previous years of soccer, were a blur as they carried him across to his cousin. "HARRY! Hey- Harry!", he called and waved his arm.

The curly haired boy looked up in confusion. Who the hell would be calling his name this early? Surely it wasn't the crew of bullies already; they never found him until nine. Vision blurred from a slightly swollen eye, Harry looked around. It wasn't until something slammed into him, knocking him and whoever it was sideways into the fence, then he realized it was Liam.

"Harry! Shit, I'm sorry!" Liam scrambled off of him and helped steady Harry again. "I saw you and I wanted to come over an-..." His words trailed off when he got a good look at Harry's face. The right side of his pale face was camoflauged by a blackish bruise. It went from around his eye, down his cheek and stopping just below his jaw.

"Haz, what happened..?", he asked after a moment of gawking at it.

Harry just stood there and looked at Liam, while the breeze ruffled his already messy hair. After his mum had finally went to bed last night, he had drug himself up to his room. How could one day have been so terrible? It went from a nice morning with his homeschooling teacher, and Louis, and Louis hitting him.. He had collasped into a ball at the top of his bed and nestled himself into the comfort of his pillows.

"What do you want, Liam."

Liam almost flinched at the resentment he heard in that deep voice. If that wasn't enough, the red and puffy hazel eyes already told the story. "Louis must have come over.."

"What do you want.", Harry repeated himself. He hefted his bag over his shoulder, being sure his shirt totally covered him arms. His eyes felt tired, but that was from crying long into the night.

"Harry..", he sighed," I just..I want to apologize.. You know how my friends are... And when they star-.."

"Save it." Harry didn't even want to hear it. He had told Liam his darkest secret and he, his own cousin, had betrayed him. What use should he have for him?

"Harry, they're my friends", Liam gave an exasperated sigh and stepped in front of his cousin so he couldn't move. "You had to expect them to find out sooner or later.."

"Blood's thicker than water." The simple words left his lips as he brushed past Liam, leaving him in the wind.

Harry kept his jaw clenched to keep from crying as he walked across the courtyard. It had been hard to deny his cousin like that. Liam was his best friend, but what he had done; it wasn't easily forgivable with Harry.

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