Chapter 6

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Chapter Six--Charity


Zayn looked back at the warm brown eyes that bore down on him.

"You heard me", Liam smiled. He made his way around the front of the car to stand in front of him. A few inches seperated them; Zayn being a bit shorter. "You need someone to talk to...."

Zayn looked curiously at him, squinting his blurry eyes. He recognized the lad from school, but other than a few chance sightings, he had no clue who he was. "And you are....?"

"Liam", he smiled and held out his hand, "Liam Payne." Oblivious to the situation in the apartment complex, Liam blinked. He should have been more concerned about his friend and cousin, but with the creature in front of him, he just couldn't. Niall had Harry covered.

Taking his hand, Zayn almost flinched at the small tingle that ran up his arm. It wasn't like the jittery feeling he had gotten when Niall had touched him, nor was it like the pure adulterated lust he had felt last night with that strange man. This was something different. "Zayn Malik..", he mumbled.

"Zayn..", he repeated softly and smiled. The name tasted like honey on his lips; something he knew he had to, and wanted to, get more of. But Zayn didn't look like the type to be in a place like this. "Why are you here? You don't even know Harry.."

"I..." Zayn shuffled his feet and looked away as shame burned in his cheeks, "You heard what I told Ni... I screwed someone last night..." He lifted his pained gaze to Liam. "I don't even know his name.. What makes it worse is that it was m-......" He paused then shook his head. There was no way he was going to tell Liam that he had been an eighteen year old virgin the night before. Instead, he let the tear fall from his eyes again. "I did a bad thing, Liam..."

The sound of his voice made Liam cringe. He had never heard something so heart-wrenchingly beautiful in his life. " Zayn..." He took a step forwards and held his arms out, a hesitant look on his face.

Two golden chocolate eyes looked up at him in pure amazement. What was this? A complete stranger offering to comfort him? After he had more than likely caused whatever was happening to the Styles kid upstairs, and Liam still stood with him? It just made the tears drop harder from his eyes when he fell into Liam's open arms.

Sobbing like a baby, his fingers curled into Liam's shirt, unaware he was pinching the hell out of him. Zayn's tears soaked into the shirt, but Liam didn't even care.

"Shh...", he whispered softly and rubbed his back. Liam didn't wrap him in a hug, he didn't kiss the side of his head; he just let Zayn lean on him.


Harry glanced behind him in confusion. He had seen the guy with the black hair before he had left school, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

Anger overpowered his confusion as he stormed into Louis apartment. He knew that was where the guy had came from; the ruffled hair, swollen lips, and funny way he was walking, as if he had a corn cob rammed up his ass. It was the same look he had after his and Louis 'play-play' time, or that's what Louis called it.

The door was still partially cracked; Zayn had slammed it so hard, it had ricoched back open. Harry shoved it open and walked through the familiar place. He would never call this place home; it held too many awful memories; the first time Louis kissed him, the first time he had ever been held by another man, his first 'I love you', and the first time Louis had ever hit him. The fear welled in him, but he pressed it back.

Shaking hands stepped through the door to Louis room to see his boyfriend, sprawled across his bed in his boxers. His thin hair stuck up everywhere, like someone had put glue in it. Harry could hear the 'tap-tapping' of Louis on his phone.

Hazel Dreams (Narry Storan) *hiatus*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon