Chapter 3

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Chapter Three--Charity

"Oh, Zaynie! You should have seen that one little wet curl that kept falling into his eyes!"

Bright blue eyes beamed into golden brown orbs. "It was so adorable! Oh and when he smiled-....."

Zayn's belly swirled with annoyance at the gushing blonde. Niall had been going on about the 'hazel-eyed god' nonstop for an hour. Every since he had showed up on his friends doorstep in the pouring rain, it had been 'Harry this' and 'Harry that'.

"But I didn't tell you the best part!" Niall leaned onto the back of the couch where he was perched and looked at his friend, who was in the kitchen. "Zaynie, I got his number! Oh and my teacher has asked me to tutor him in math!"

"What?" Zayn could have dropped the butter-knife he held in his hand. Niall would be tutoring this kid? Everyday; spending time with him; being away from Zayn. It already wasn't sitting well with him.

"Yeah!" He jumped over the back of the couch and ran into Zayn's side. "Zayn, this is gonna be great! I'll get to be with him all the time! I'm sure to get a chance to ask him out!"

"You don't even know if he's gay."

"Well...", Niall bit his lip. It was true. He had no clue what Harry's preferences were. Oh but he could find out. "I got it covered!" He smiled up Zayn, not even seeming to notice how tight his jaw was.

All he recieved was a grunt from his friend. Zayn spread peanut butter onto two slices of bread and tossed the knife into the sink before snatching his sandwich up. Why did Niall have to constantly gush about Harry? Why did he always take that knife and twist it around in his chest?

Brushing past him, Zayn fell onto the couch and flipped the tv on. He didn't even want to be around Niall right now. The rain was still pouring when Niall sat down beside him.


He wasn't going to look. No, he wasn't going to let those blue eyes melt his heart. Again. Zayn stared straight at whatever was flashing on the tv, trying his hardest to ignore the boy.

"Zayyyyniiee....." Niall reached out and poked his shoulder. He couldn't understand why Zayn was being such a tightwad today. He never acted like this, especially not with a storm out. Normally, he was wrapped in a blanket and cuddling down into the couch.

Zayn twitched away and swallowed a mouthful of food. Ignoring Niall was just too easy. It wasn't until he heard a soft whimper that he looked over. Niall was staring at him, his face a picture of hurt. Even his eyes. His friend actually looked like he wanted to cry.

A sigh left Zayn when he laid his food down on the coffee table on some magazine. "What, Niall? Why are you looking at me like that?" He hadn't meant for his words to come out as harsh as they had.

Niall blinked before moving away to the other end of the couch, pulling his knees to his chest. If Zayn wanted to be an ass, then fine, but he was going to do it on the other side of the couch. He could feel Zayn still looking at him; he squirmed on the cushion.

Zayn just smiled. He knew Niall couldn't resist him when he started being adorable. He twisted around and stretched out until he could rest his chin on his friend's knee. "Nialler.." A finger poked his hip and he saw the beginnings of a smile on Niall's mouth. Zayn prodded him again, this time with two fingers, and nuzzled his knee. "Ni!"

A tiny giggle sounded and the blond squirmed again. He was unusually ticklish everywhere and Zayn knew it. Niall burrowed into the cushion.

"Not gonna help.." Zayn grinned before taking Niall by his sides and pulling him onto the floor. Maybe it was because Niall was just so irresistably cute when he was laughing or maybe it was the dire need to touch him; Zayn didn't know nor even care. His fingers flew over Niall, touching and tickling every little soft spot he knew of.

Hazel Dreams (Narry Storan) *hiatus*Where stories live. Discover now