Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Luke, is that you?" Jeremy says excitedly, "Hey, man! Did your flight get in early?" He comes down the steps and smacks Luke on the back.

Luke looks as if he's in a daze.

"Uh.. Yeah, about an hour ago," Luke still holds onto me. His eyes don't leave mine, though he's talking to Jeremy.

"I'll take your bags. Just make yourself at home whenever you come in," Jeremy smiles as he takes Luke's duffle inside the lighted room.

Luke's changed. He's changed. Remember that, Skyler.

Don't cry, you baby. Toughen up.

"Skyler, is that really you?" Luke asks.

I force a smile. "Yeah, it's me." It actually hurts me to have to smile at this moment.

I guess he realizes he's still been holding me this whole time, so he loosens his grip on my waist, and adjusts his grey shirt on his shoulders.

"Wow. You're still gorgeous, as always," Luke says as his blue eyes light up.

My heart skips a beat.

No, stop that.

Calm down.

It's just a compliment.

I smile painfully as I drop my gaze to the ground. "You're sweet. It's been a while, hasn't it?"

The words literally make me feel sick as they come out of my mouth. Or maybe it's the knot on my head. Or possibly my dislocated wrist. I'm not sure.

"Too long," he sighs, "Hey- I know it's an insanely late, but do you mind if we just talk for a while?" He looks at me hopefully.

The question caught me totally off-guard.

"I-I can't," I answer softly.

"I'm sorry, I'm supposed to be back at Miss Hayes'. I was actually supposed to be back six hours ago. But I got lost and then.."

I slowly back up, away from Luke, "I just-I really need to. I mean-"

My head throbs, nausea and complete exhaustion coming over me in waves at a time. My eyes tear up as I turn my face away from Luke, acting busy, pulling at my sweater pockets.

"I'd really like to, but I don't know how I could- And then I already ran all that way.. But I don't think-" My voice breaks, on the verge of an emotional breakdown.

"Hey. Hey, it's fine," Luke attempts to get me to look at him.

As I turn my head away again, searching my still empty pockets, a small tear escapes my eye.

Luke notices.

"Skyler.. Are- Are you okay?" he asks quietly, reaching to lift my chin.

I lift my head and face him before he can do it for me. I'm expressionless.

"No," I say plainly, "I'm not okay."

Two more tears slide down my cheeks.

"I actually haven't been okay for a while, now," I smile through the tears, and Luke's face looks even more concerned as I sit down on Jeremy's front steps.

Letting my head drop into my hands, the silent tears soak my face. I hear Luke softly close the front door, then feel him sit down next to me. His arm drapes over my shoulders as he holds me in a hug. After a minute or two, his hand rubs my back as I try to control myself. My breathing is ragged as I lift my face to look at him. I can't calm myself down enough to talk, so I just shake my head and hide my face again.

"What's wrong? Is there anything I can do?" Luke asks softly.

"What's wrong?" I ask myself, really.

"Nothing's right. Everything is wrong," I say, sitting up and looking at Luke. "Do you really want to hear what's bothering me?"

He pauses. "If you're willing to tell me."

I swallow hard. "Okay. I'll just name a few things that are bothering me right now." I take a deep breath.

"One: I lost my best friend. The only person who made me feel worth anything. No goodbye, no final words. I couldn't find out where he even lived. I checked for months," Luke's face looks pained, but I continue.

"Two: I'm hated. Those girls at Miss Hayes' hate me. They don't ever tell me, but they sure as heck show me. They make fun of my scars and make up different stories about my past, and I get to hear new ones all the time.

Three: I am alone. Every day, every week, every month. Always."

My heart is racing, and tears drop from my eyelashes.

"Four: I wanted to die today. No doubt.

And five: Here's where I saved the best for last. It's my birthday!"

I laugh as I cover my face with my hands, not even glancing at Luke. My body shakes as I cry, and there's nothing I can do to stop it.

"Listen," Luke says.

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