Chapter Ten

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I slowly lift myself off the pillows and sit on the edge of the bed. I

reach back, gently touching the bandages under my hair on my head, and wince when I realize how sore it is. Luke looks so exausted. Carefully standing, I tiptoe toward the couch, using furniture as a hand-rail. He lies facing me, head resting on his arm. I feel so guilty.. He could've been killed. As long as I'm with him, he's in danger of being caught, too. The last thing I want is for him to get hurt again. I sit

on the couch and stroke his hair, being careful not to wake him.

Starting to feel light-headed, I lie down beside Luke's sleeping figure. He shifts as he moves closer to me and automatically puts his left arm around my waist.

"Skyler?" he asks, still not awake.

I turn my head to face him and give him a kiss on the cheek. Luke smiles, then returns to normal breathing as he sleeps. How much longer can we keep this up? I can't run forever. If I want to keep Luke safe, I need to just go

back to my dad quietly and make sure Luke doesn't follow me. There, that's it. There's no other option. I love Luke with all my heart, but I'm causing him pain. I turn to face him completely, and a tear falls down my cheek. I don't want to leave him... His eyes slowly flutter open. I quickly wipe my eye.

"Feeling better?" I ask softly.

Luke whispers, "You have no idea how glad I am to see you." I smile at him, but it fades when I see his eyes start to water.

"Luke," I whisper as he wraps his arms around me in a long hug.

"It's okay, you're going to be fine," I say as I bury my face in his chest and try to hold in what little tears I have left.

"I'm not worried about me, and you shouldn't be, either."

As we both sit up, I ask, "I've got a question.. So, how much more time do you think we have until we're caught?"

He glances up at me and folds his hands. "Probably less than

twelve hours."

"Well.. follow-up question," I say as I shift closer to Luke, "Where is there to go, Luke? We don't even have an extra change of clothes, much less money for food or a hotel."

"Look, I don't care how long it takes, I don't care how far I have to

go, I will always protect you, okay? Just, please, trust me," he says quietly.

I smile sadly. "Okay."

We spend the night at Mrs. Aldera's house. I can't sleep. I feel like I'm just putting Luke in more danger than necessary, but I also feel like the most hateful person in the world if I leave him. I walk over to the couch where he's sleeping and sit down next to him.

"Luke," I whisper. His eyes flutter open, and he slowly sits up. "Lu-" Luke tugs me toward him and kisses me before I can finish. It's not a huge, romantic kiss like in the movies. It's just a short, sweet, comforting one. When he pulls back, however, he looks mortified.

"Skyler, I'm so sorry. I don't even know what I w-" He's interrupted when I kiss him again. May as well kiss him while I can since this is the last time I'll see him.

We talk about our morning plans for a while, and it's all I can do not to burst into tears and hug him. I slowly but surely convince him to go back to sleep.

I tiptoe across the room and write a note to Luke. I explain how I want to protect him and that I'm going back to my dad. He'll will finally be safe after I'm gone. As I scribble down how much he still and will always means to me a tear drops on the page. I have to write a new note, along with a long, thankful note for Mrs.Aldera and May. I had arranged for Mrs. Aldera to transport us to the nearest airport in the morning. The only thing I didn't mention to her is that I won't be going with them. I kiss Luke's lips one last time before I quietly exit the Aldera house.

I'm going to miss him so much.

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