Chapter Two

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I jolt into consciousness, expecting to see my father angrily standing over me. No. He hasn't found me. How long was I out? My phone reads 5:45. An hour and a half. It buzzes in my hands and I almost scream at how much it startled me. Oh shoot. It's him. I reject the call and turn off my phone. They can track me as long as I have it. I slowly stand with shaky legs. My hands fling it into the lake. I will not be caught. I'm lucky I wasn't unconscious long enough for my dad to file a missing person report or catch up with me. My stomach twists and growls at me. I need food. Re-positioning my backpack on my shoulders, I start walking the direction I had started running. I dodge tree branches and jump at every little sound for I don't even know how long. I soon begin to hear cars. Oh, thank God. A Waffle House and a convenience store greet me when I reach the road. Walking into the bathroom at the store, I see I don't look as horrible as I feel. My hair and makeup are still presentable, but there is a bright red hand print on my face. My green eyes are swollen and bloodshot. Well, can't get rid of that.. I clean myself up a bit and decide to eat at Waffle House. Something cheap. My body is so relieved when I sitat a barstool and lay my head on my crossed arms.

"Honey, are you okay?" I jerk my head up. The waitress is looking at me, very concerned.

I give her a little smile, "Oh, yes ma'm, I'm fine." She believes me. "May I order, please?"

"Oh, sure, honey, what can I get you?"

I order two scrambled eggs with

water to drink. Only a dollar fifty. The retro clock on the wall says 7:00. Not bad timing at all. The restaurant only has a few people in it. An adorable elderly couple and a red-headed lady with her young daughter. I gulp down

two glasses of ice-cold water. When my food is placed in front of me, it's all I can do not to scarf it down and order four more. I eat slowly and try to make it last. The glass door opens and rings a bell. Someone sits on the barstool next to me. A teenage boy. I glance over toward him, and my heart

skips a beat. Dark, short-kept hair, about 5'10, in a black v-neck and old-looking jeans. He can't be much older than I am. Maybe sixteen. He's incredibly handsome.

Wait. What the heck am I thinking? I've got plenty more things to worry about than boys. I try to avoid eye contact with everyone but the waitress. She asks for the boy's order, but he says he's still deciding. I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Excuse me.." says a deep voice. As I turn toward the boy, I see big blue eyes and a smile. "Did you happen to drop


He holds a small ring that's in the shape of a crown. That's my ring

that used to be my mom's.

"Oh gosh. Yes. Thank you so much." I say as he sets it in my palm, "I didn't even realize it was missing."

"No problem," he says, still looking kindly at me.

"It was my mom's.. I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost it."

"She'd be mad?"

"Uhm.. Well, actually she died when I was four.."

He looks embarrassed. "Oh gosh. I'm so sorry."

I shake my head and drop my eyes to the floor. "No, no.. You're fine. I don't really remember her, anyway.."

The waitress asks again for his order, and he politely asks for a coke. "Well," he says to me, "What's your name?"

I open my mouth, but hesitate. I don't know if I should trust anyone right now.. Oh well. Here goes nothin. "Skyler Ripton. What's yours?"

"Luke, Luke Dunham," he says, then he smiles,"You're the first Skyler I've ever met."

I raise my eyebrows and laugh. "Well, it's kind of a weird name."

His head gives a little shake. "No, not weird at all.." he answers. I finish my food and decide to keep moving, but I'm not sure where I am.

I turn toward Luke. "Uhm.. So, where am I exactly?"

"Birmingham," he says, looking a bit confused, "You didn't know where you were?"

Don't look nervous. Don't look nervous. "Uh, yeah.. Just taking a trip from Tuscaloosa. It's been a long day." I fake a little laugh. He seems to buy it.

Birmingham. I walked ten miles.

That's a start. I pay for my food and stand up to leave. As I open the door to walk out I hear Luke.

"Bye, Skyler. Be safe."

"Bye, Luke," I say, giving him a

smile. I turn and start on my way down the side of the highway, making sure to keep my distance from the passing cars. Luke seems like a nice boy.. I think I like him. No! No, I don't. That's stupid! I'm stupid! I don't even know him! Ugh, forget it, forget him! Alright. The plan. Travel as far as possible then find a place to sleep. I pass a big exit sign that's says 'Waffle House: Next Exit'. That means I've traveled about a mile now. My

backpack isn't that full, but it feels like it's got a ton of bricks in it.

An old blue truck pulls over on the side of the highway, hazard lights flashing. My defense mode turns on. As I pass the car, a tall, thick man gets out and asks, "Hey kid. Where ya headed?" I shrug and keep walking, but I'm watching him from the corner of my eye.

"Lemme give you a ride." he

says as he begins to follow me.

"No thanks." I answer as I start to walk a little faster. Cars whizz by. Someone's behind me, picking me up around my arms and waist, constricting me.

"LET ME GO! NOW!" I scream. I should've seen this coming. I'm not very strong, so it's not like I'm hard to keep a hold on. I'm kicking,

squirming, trying everything to get loose, but he's got the upper


"Just shut up and get in the truck!" he commands. We're almost to his car, and I start to panic more than before.

The RunawaysNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ