Chapter Six

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"Skyler, wake up," Luke whispers.

Just as I open my eyes, Jeremy hurriedly opens the door

our room.

"Luke. We've got a problem. Oh, morning Skyler," he comes in and

shuts the door behind him. Luke and I sit up, curious to what he's talking about.

"What's wrong?" Luke asks Jeremy. Jeremy wrings his hand together.

"Well, my folks are in town, and they want to come by and see my place. If they find anyone else staying here, they'll stop sending me my college funds," he paces back and forth, "I don't want you guys to have to leave cause of my

family. Y'all are my friends!"

I pipe up, "Well, couldn't Luke and I help you clean to make it look like no one else has been here? Luke and I just get out of the way? I mean, is that an option?"

Luke nods in agreement as Jeremy says, "Depends on how fast we can clear your tracks. My parents will be here in ten minutes."

I spring off the bed and quickly pick up my shoes and clothes. Luke hops up and finds a shirt, then starts making the bed. Jeremy goes into the bathroom and begins cleaning. I hear something outside, so I glance out the window. Shoot. A black Honda sits on Jeremy's driveway. A man and a woman are inside it, talking.

"Jeremy!" I yell, "They're early!"

I hear him run downstairs. There's a doorbell, and I hear Jeremy trying to stall his parents. I desperately look at Luke. We aren't even properly

dressed yet! I'm in a giant, old sweatshirt, and he's in a t-shirt and

sweatpants. He shuts our door quietly and throws me a long-sleeved boy's shirt.

"Luke?" I ask as he turns toward me.

"Don't look.." I say.

He smiles, then turns to face the wall. "Happy now?" he asks. I pull the sweatshirt over my head and slip on the striped shirt Luke had thrown me, as well as my skinny

jeans and boots from yesterday. I hear voices right outside the door. I quickly turn around to face Luke.

"Alright. What are we supposed to do?" I whisper as I walk toward him. He's changed into a pair of blue gym shorts. He quietly opens the door to this small closet and raises his eyebrows.

Jeremy loudly announces, "Whoa! Whoa, Dad, don't go in there yet! I want to show you the guest room!" I dart into the small space and Luke follows, shutting the door. The closet is only about two and a half feet wide, so it's a tight fit. We stay completely silent, sometimes hearing the muffled voices of Jeremy and his parents. There's a little light shining from under the door. Glancing up at Luke, I see he's smirking. I give him a questioning look. The voices outside the door grow softer, but still close. Something clicks in my brain.

"Did.." I say in barely a whisper, "Did you see me changing clothes earlier?"

He gives me a smile. "You really think I'd do something like that?" he whispers back.

I smack him on the chest, still not sure whether he did or not.. The outside voices fade away, but we stay where we are.

"Luke?" I whisper after a few minutes. I curl my arms around his waist and he does the same. "I'm scared. I don't want to go back."

"I won't let them catch you," he

"I'll do everything I can to keep you safe."

Jeremy knocks on the closet door.

Luke opens it for me and we enter the guest room again.

"I didn't interrupt anything, did I?" Jeremy asks, smiling at Luke. Luke just shakes his head.

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