Luke star cullen profile

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Luke is the oldest brother and son in his family also he is the youngest to be a king of vampires and merpeople.

Luke human age is: 22 1/2 years old
Luke vampire age is: 122 years old

Luke looks are: short short dark blonde hair (almost looks dark brown hair), dark blue eyes, nice tan skin, he is muscular (but not to much), his height is 6 foot 2 inches tall, his weight is 146 lbs.

Luke likes are: swimming, wrestling, play-fighting with his brothers, seeing his little sister happy, chocolate ice cream, cloud watching, sleeping in, summer time, his family, sometimes his cousins, and the colours grey, dark blue, and dark purple.

Luke favourite colours: grey, dark blue, and dark purple.

Luke dislikes are: dirty water, seeing his brothers and sister hurt or sad, playing dress up with his female cousins, banana ice cream, sometimes werewolves, being woken up early, winter time, sometimes his cousins, sluts, snobs, little kids, seeing his little sister sad or worse dead, and the colours pink, bright purple, and bright red.

Luke personality: he is very strong but not stronger than Crystal, protective of his family, almost all the time hates his cousins, and a short temper too.

Luke blood type: -AB

Luke mate: NONE AT ALL

Luke powers are: can control earth and fire, can sometimes read minds, can block his mind from mind readers.

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