I leaned against the doorframe of the bathroom, one leg swung over the other with a solemn look. Hands stuffed in my pockets.

"Well. Let's here it," I mumbled.

"Drew I'm really sorry. I-" She cut herself off, flicking her eyes up to the ceiling as if the right words would appear there. "I let the past cloud the present and I guess I used that to be rude with you. I guess I just wanted a little revenge?"

"I don't know. And seeing you with Blair kinda topped it all off. But," She pressed her lips into a thin line, trying to push her words out. "But if you want to be with her, I'm ok with that. I want her to be happy and she seems happy with you. I know you said you wouldn't chase after me and I get that. I do. And. . ."

She rambled on and on. After a while it became amusing to just watch her little pink tinted lips move a mile a minute.


"I feel really bad how I treated you and I should've been the bigger person and not have argued with you," As I spoke, Drew's face no longer held his hardening look. He was fighting a smirk. He walked toward me and with every step he took . . .

"And . . . . And. . . . I . . ." I spoke in sentence fragments.

Drew slid his hand to the back of my neck tangling his fingers through my hair as he did so. He closed the space between us when he gently pushed his lips against mine. I fluttered my eyes closed and our lips moved in rhythm. Butterflies erupted in the pit of my stomach.

I snaked my arms around his neck, feeling his soft hair invade the space between my fingers. Deepening the kiss.

Both Drew's hands then gradually traveled up the little curves I have and burned touches into my bare back as they roamed.

I pulled away breathless, leaning my forehead against his. Both our eyes remaining closed. His hands stayed wrapped around my waist and mine now clutched either sides of his arms.

Even though the kiss was over, my heart raced and more butterflies fluttered in my stomach.

I took my forehead off of his, looking him in the eyes. "I'm sorry."

Drew's thumb caressed my cheek. "I'm the one that should be sorry."

He took my hand and guided me to his bed in which we both sat on. A moment of silence went by. Seeming like the both of us were trying to figure out what to say next.

"You've like me since freshmen year?" My brows were knitted and my voice was fused with amazement. Wasn't looking too hot back then.

He cracked a grin, turning his head to me. "Yeah. Only Will knew. I wasn't proud of it though. Let's face it. You weren't exactly-"

"Popular. I know," I rolled my eyes reminiscing back to my freshman days.

He broke eye contact and looked straight ahead, leaning forward with both elbows rested on his knees. "That's why I hid it. I didn't want to like you," He looked down to his hands.

"I was embarrassed. By then I had earned a reputation. Which is why I had no problem having flings and dating alot of girls. Trying to get you out my head," He faced me with a smile. "But that didn't work."

Whisper of the Woods Where stories live. Discover now