I'm not a good scource

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Kano: So what's Sonya doing?

Me: Making pies

Kano: Are you sure?

Me: Yup! Pecan pies-

Kano: (Maybe she might serve us explosive pies. Oh shit! I just remembered I'm allergic to pecan pies! That bitch!)

Me: -with ice cream! She burned herself one time

Kano: Oh really?

Me: *Nods* She started screaming "Ow! Sonova bitch! Holy fuck that hurts!"

Kano: Well thank you for sharing that with me, Kandy Android

Me: My name's Kukoloid

Kano: Same thing. I'll share this with my friends

Me: Tell them I'm also making Indonesian noodles

Kano: *Runs away to Edenia*


Shang Tsung: That's what she told you?

Kano: Yes!

Afterwards Shang Tsung had every kitchen raided and then he realized: He fucked up

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