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I pop in Nicole's favorite movie, Mission: Impossible IV, into the DVD player and press PLAY. I toss her the bag of popcorn and she asks, "Do you have ice cream?" I nod, "Yeah. What kind?" She digs into the bag of popcorn, "Triple chocolate double fudge with chocolate chips smothered in chocolate sauce creamed with whipped cream." I nod, "Okay." I really don't blame her. I felt the exact same way when Reed...

I head off to the kitchen and get her ice cream. I get a bucket of Dibs ice cream as well, just in case. I grab a spoon and head back to the living room. I hand her the ice cream. She looks at the bucket of Dibs, "Can I use that as a topping?" I toss it to her, "Go ahead. Go crazy."

After the movie, Nicole has gone through the bucket of Dibs, two cartons of triple chocolate double fudge ice cream, seven bottles of chocolate syrup, two cans of whipped cream, three canisters of chocolate chips, and six pints of Ben & Jerry's The Tonight Dough.

Nicole says as the credits start to roll, "Hey, thanks Aphmau. No one else would understand and just go with it. Emmalyn would just go off about the logics of human emotions and keep complaining that I'm eating all her food and spouting out nutrition and diet facts. If I wasn't um, you know, at Kawaii~Chan, she still wouldn't help. Kawaii~Chan would just make me watch romance movies. and Katelyn, well, she wouldn't understand."

I smile, "No problem. I know how you feel."

Nicole asks, "What do you mean?"

I sigh, "I'm only going to tell you this so you know you have someone you can relate to."

She nods.

"Well, in my hometown, was dating a boy named Reed Cam. we went to a party together one night, and I walked in on him, um, sleeping with another girl. Except the weren't sleeping. Anything but that. I thought he was drunk. So I left. The next day, I saw them making out. But this time, I saw who the girl was. My best friend. And Reed's hands were doing a little exploring."

I continue, "Anyway, long story short, I confronted him and I ended it with him. I then moved here to get a fresh start."

Nicole puts a hand on my knee, "Well, I'm glad you're here."

I smile, "Me too."

We change into our pj's and move to my bedroom. "Hold on a sec." I tell her. I quickly close my curtains. I return to her and sit criss-cross on the floor. "What was that about?" Nicole asks. "Oh, Garroth can see my bedroom from here." Nicole laughs, "Then keep those curtains closed."

Nicole asks, "Are you going to the Halloween dance next week?"

I shrug, "No idea. You?"

Nicole's voice trails off, "I don't know..."

I exclaim, "You should!"

Nicole's confused, "What? Why?"

"Imagine how Dante would feel if you came to the dance, in a blaze of defiance."

A slow smile comes onto Nicole's face, "You're right."


I eventually stopped caring about Dante. But I still planned in going to the Halloween dance with Aphmau and Emmalyn. Katelyn says she'll come, just not with us  in a group.

It's the day before the dance, and Aphmau is helping me pick out a costume.

Aphmau holds up a dress, "How about this?"

I shake my head, "What's that?"

Aphmau shrugs, "No idea. It says costume."

I laugh, "Look for something else."

We sort through the racks of costumes and Aphmau holds up another costume. This time, it's a tight black jumpsuit with a black shot belt and holster with a gun, "How about this one? I have some black boots to go with it."

I nod, "That's the one."


I'm studying for my next chem test with Kenmur and we decide to take a break. Naturally, we read.

I open my Harry Potter: The Philosopher's Stone book and see that the book was hollowed out and a note was left inside along with a golden necklace. I open the note. 

Dear Emmalyn,

                                  Maybe the Halloween dance can be our beginning. Like the beginning of Harry Potter's adventure. Our beginning can happen if you say yes. Please say yes to the following question.

Emmalyn, would you allow me to escort you to the Halloween dance?

                                                                                                                                                       Say yes,


I look up and see Kenmur staring at me. "So...?"

I ask, "Is this my copy?"


"Then I accept."


My phone rings and "Meet the Elements" by They Might Be Giants. I pick up, "Emmalyn?"

"Kenmur asked me to the dance." Emmalyn blurts out.


"Yes. What do I do?"

"Did you say yes?"

"In a matter of speaking, yes."

"Then what's the problem?"

"I don't know what to wear, what to say, what to do!"

"Calm down. I'll be at your place in ten minutes."

"Okay. Please hurry."

I hang up.

I grab my phone and wallet and hop in my car.

I knock on Emmalyn's door and she opens it, "What do I do?"

I attempt to soothe her, "Calm down, Emmalyn. We have plenty of time."

She breaths, "Okay. Now, help me."

"We're going shopping."

She nods, "Okay."

We drive down to the local strip mall.

I ask, "Do you know what he's going as?"

She nods, "He's going as Albert Einstein."

I look at her.

She shrugs.

I sigh, "We'll just get you a Marie Curie costume."

She nods, "Okay."

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