Chapter One-Back To Normal?

Start from the beginning

"Why are they here anyway?...Wait why are YOU here?"He asked with annoyance.

Amy panted briefly after destroying three more of the insect bots.

"Because!I found something you might find interesting since you're a treasure hunter and all,"she said.

Knuckles breathed in through his nose and ruffled his dreadlocks.

"How did you get up here?"he asked calmly.

Amyl soothed down her usual red dress and pointed behind her.

"I borrowed one of Tail's planes a while back and never gave it back.So I used it to get here,"she explained.

Knuckles questioned further,"When did you learn how to fly a plane?"

"Tails taught me after the incident with Shadow..."

She trailed off and sighed in frustration,"But that besides the point....Look."

Knuckles crossed his arms and tried not to seem interested even though he was leaning in slightly.Amy pulled something bundled in cloth from the satchel that she wore.Unraveling it she showed him a dull lifeless looking crystal shard.Knuckles harrumphed with irritation.

"You had those stupid bots follow you to my island just to show me a piece of rock?"he asked in disbelief.

Amy gritted her teeth and kept her mallet close by.

"It's not a piece of rock!I think that's why those robots were following me.Plus who uses insect shaped robots?"she asked.

It took a moment but his brain clicked,"Dr.Eggman?"

"Exactly.He's after my shard,"stated Amy.

Knuckles scratched his head,"But why did you come to me and not Sonic or Tails?"

"Because I couldn't find them,"she rolled her eyes,"They're probably off doing who knows what."

Knuckles nodded and took the shard from Amy's hand.Rubbing his gloved hand over it he stared at it briefly.His violet eyes formed to slits as he clutched it.Amy saw this and slowly looked up at him worriedly.


In the corner of Amy's eyes she spotted the master emerald glowing.But it wasn't the ordinary bright neon green glow.It was more of a very dull and dirty green that barely shined.Amy looked back at the shard to see it glowing as well.However it had a purple and black aura mist seeping from it.Amy watched in horror as the mist flowed up Knuckle's arm to his body.Soon it engulfed his whole body in the ugly aura.

Amy backed up with wide eyes as Knuckle's pupils turned into hard black slits.Her heart beat rapidly when her breath quickened.She looked back at the master emerald to see the mist seeping from it as well.Knuckles held the shard in his hand while it shook.Amy backed up enough to fall over an uprooted tree root.Falling with an oof,Knuckles heard this and his head snapped in her direction.

His eyes gave off no emotion which caused Amy to hold her breath.Silence filled the island except for the sound of the pulsing from the misty aura.Knuckles,without warning,came charging toward her.Finally Amy caught her voice and screamed with all her might.Reacting fast,she jumped up and made a run for it.

"Knuckles stay away!!!"She screamed in agony,dragging her mallet behind her.

She pushed past vines and tree branches,some sticking her in the legs and ripping the ends of her dress.Amy could hear his distant footsteps which made her heart beat faster.She lifted her mallet and hit down the vines while trying to remember where she parked Tail's plane.All she could remember was that the plane was near a treeless land with a lake near it.Panting,she ran through more tree branches and vines.

Amy heard Knuckles just a few yards behind her.Looking over her shoulder she didn't notice the bush that was in her way.When she looked back she had already hurled into it,falling out on the other side.Amy blew the leaves out from her hair and looked around to see where she was.Gasping,she saw the glistening lake just in front of her.Her heart skipped a best when she saw her plane.With no hesitation she jumped up and ran to the one person plane.

Amy climbed in panting with fear.She strapped herself in,flipped on some switches,and the propellor started to turn.The plane hummed softly before she slipped on a helmet and gripped the two handles that steered the plane.Amy looked around her surroundings,hoping not to find Knuckles.When she didn't she took flight quickly.As Amy picked up speed she felt something thud against the side of the plane.

When she looked to her right she saw a red blur attach it's self to the wing.Terrified,Amy blinked repeatedly and accidentally pulled the handles upward.The plane jerked straight up with the red echidna still attached.Amy flew off the island,except instead of going up she went straight down.She screamed as Knuckles punched a whole through the wing.The propeller slowed and stopped completely.

Amy shrieked with fear as they hurdled toward the ground.Knuckles gritted his teeth and narrowed his emotionless eyes before climbing onto the back of the plane and punching in another hole.

"Stop it stop it!We're going down because of you!!!"Amy screeched.

She could see the clouds disappearing and the ground getting closer.Her head spun as Knuckles kept punching holes into the half destroyed plane.The tail of the plane started to smoke than blew up into flames.Amy continued to scream before squeezing her eyes shut.She heard Knuckles thump around on the remainder of the plane.Amy began to feel nauseous,her stomach forming a knot.Finally she stopped screaming and let the darkness engulf her.The last thing she heard was a quick zoom....

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