"Thank you Matt. I love you so much." I say into his chest as he rubs my back.

  "I love you too,now do you still want to put on some makeup?" He asks and raises my chin up to look at him.

  I feel happy,and a lot better. I don't know why I've waited so long to let him see me without makeup,saying that made me feel so much better.

  "Maybe I'll put only a little." I say and he smiles,and kisses me softly.

  He gives me my makeup,and when I go into the bathroom,I do my eyeliner and mascara,I want badly to do the rest,but I feel more comfortable now,and so I don't.

When I go downstairs and into the kitchen I hug Matt from behind,putting my cheek up against his back and hugging around his waist.

He turns around and smiles down at me.

"You look gorgeous." He whispers in my ear and I get goosebumps down my arms.

My phone buzzes,and I move away from Matt to check it,to see a message from Zacky. 

   Zacky: hey me and Emma r gonna go to target and I know it's ur favorite place,wanna bring Matt?

  I look over at Matt and ask him.

  "Yeah sure sounds good." He says and I nod and smile.

  Me: yupp we'll be over soon I love you brotherrrrrrrrrrr from the same motherrrrrrrr

   Zacky: ok and I love you tooooo sisterrrrrr from the same misterrrrrrr

  I laugh and lock my phone,setting it back down on the counter. I go back over and hug Matt,something I wish I could do all day.

  "Ready?" He asks and I nod.

  "You wanna drive or me?" I ask and he scratches his face.

  "You can have a break I'll drive this time. Besides you drive like a psycho. He says and I smack him,but kiss his cheek.

  "Why thank you my good sir." I say with sarcasm with a little laugh and he shakes his head but chuckles as we walk out of the door.

  When we get to Zackys house,they walk out hand in hand. When they sit down in the car,I turn around in my seat and smile at them.

Emma and I raise our eyebrows up and down at each other,and when I look to Zacky he's giving me a weird look.

"You need a hair cut Zachary." I say and he laughs. "So does Brian." I add.

"Well Emma likes my hair." He says and kisses her cheek,and I turn back around and Matt and I just shake our heads.

When we get to target we all hop out of the car,and I notice that Emma and I are wearing the same Guns And Roses t shirt. We jump up in the air,and high five. Not really knowing why we jumped.

"Now what shall we do here." I say pretending to stroke an invisible beard.

"I don't know,just thought it'd be fun for the four of us to hang out." Zacky says and I smile,ruffling his black hair.

Why Can't This Be Love (A7X/M Shadows Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now