Chapter eight

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Dec 25, 2015 12:00 p.m

"Lou, stop." Harry giggles as Louis stubble tickles his neck. He wasn't sure how he fell into such a casual friendship/relationship with Louis so fast, but he wasn't actually worried about it. Okay maybe he was a little worried that he'd went home with a guy after barely knowing him. Which wasn't something he did like at all, he was still a virgin. Though Louis was different at least that's what his heart was telling him."That tickles."

"Well in that case, then I have to keep doing it." Louis laughs, and goes in to nuzzle against his neck but he ends up kissing it instead. While let it snow plays in the background.

"Lou," Harry pulled away a little, the Christmas sweater riding up revealing his flat stomach."I know it's Christmas and all but aren't we moving a little too fast? I'm not used to all of this attention."

"I'm just to foward, though if it's bothering you then we can just cuddle." Louis suggested, as he scooted back onto the couch a little. So he wasn't draped over Harry's lanky frame anymore.

Louis was glad that the guys had left a little after midnight, because he was sure that Harry would have been uncomfortable with having this question. He even refrained from kissing him while they were there. He'd also known that Harry being Harry wouldn't be into to pda, which was why he was very grateful for them to leave.

"I just don't want to rush into this....whatever it is. I'm spending Christmas with you Lou, that should be reserved for someone you really like." Harry frowns, because he really likes Louis.

"Who said I didn't really like you? Because I do. After today we can go slow, and do the normal things people do when they want to date each other. Though personally I hate doing it the normal way." Louis grins and moves in to kiss Harry again, but stops short when he remembers the conversation.

"So that means we can continue with what we're doing?" Harry questions, lips tugging up into a smirk. He has to admit that he really likes kissing Louis, and loves having his stubble rub up against him."It's still Christmas after all."

Louis brows rose,"I guess you're right."

Though before Louis could move in to kiss him again, Harry was pushing him down and climbing on top of his lap. Lips finding his before he could even process what was happening. Louis smiled into the kiss as Harry's sorta of inexperienced lips moved against his. He didn't mind though he had a lap full of Harry and what could be more better than that.

Harry pulls away again brows furrowed eyes he stares down at Louis."You know we're not having sex right? It's not like I don't won't to have sex with you, just not just soon." Harry states, though his eyes wonder down to his pajamas

Louis laughs because it seems like just the thought of sex has mini Harry pressing against his leg. Harry looks mortified for a moment but then he just shrugs it off, though his cheeks are still red.

"Can't really control him." Harry mumbles, then leans down to lay his head on Louis's chest.

"That's okay," Louis tells him, as he rubs circles on his back."Though I didn't invite you here to have sex with you."

"I know," Harry mutters, a smile pulling at his lips."We both can't resist being around each other. That's why you came to my job every single day, and I looked forward to you coming. Guess that's over now that you actually got me here with you?"

"Harry, Harry, Harry." Louis tsked,"I usually put a lot into relationships, so expect to see suprise pop ups. Though you'll get used to it." Louis laughs, as he runs his fingers through Harry's messy hair.

"You're going to embarrass me aren't you?" Harry asks.

"Of course. What type of potential boyfriend would I be if don't?" Louis laughs as Harry lifts his head up to stare at him.

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