Chapter five

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Dec 23, 2015

"You're coming in later than usual." Harry smiles, he was hoping to see the handsome man. Even though he had spent half of the night talking to him on the phone, he honestly thought Louis would be tired of seeing him.

"I sort of slept in," Louis blushes for what seems like the first time. Harry doesn't know why he's embarrassed until he's handing Harry a cup full of coffee."And I brought this for you."

When he reaches out to take the cup he let's his fingers brush against Louis' before pulling away. He notices Louis watching him as he takes a sip of the coffee. It's good, actually good is an understatement it's the best coffee he's ever tasted. It could be because Louis had given it to him, but still that is some damn good coffee.

"This is good." Harry comments.

Louis shrugs,"I know, because look who made it."

"A cocky Lou, is a naughty Lou."

Louis laughs,"There's nothing wrong with being a little naughty." He winks at him, then smirks when he sees the familiar blush.

"I was actually getting off in a couple minutes, but it doesn't even look like you brought anything for me to wrap up." Harry notices that his hands are empty, and stuffed inside the pockets of his fitted in the right places sweat pants.

Louis brows rose at that."Oh, really then today must be my lucky. That means I get to hang out with my new friend." Louis says, putting his arm through Harry's and pulling him closer.

Louis is very touchy Harry notices but he's not complaining. He also doesn't know how he's supposed to act with Louis outside of wrapping his presents. He had talked to him last night, but Louis basically carried the conversation. Harry had been to nervous when it came to talking to him and he clamed up.

"Where would we go? I actually have to be home in four hours." Harry says, wishing he'd have all day to be with Louis.

Louis thinks for a moment, before glancing out the window at the darkening sky."There's this light show thing that's happening in an hour, we could pass the time at the park." Louis offers.

He doesn't really care where they go as long as they're going together it's alright with Louis. Harry looks like he's debating on if he wants to go or not. Though when a smile breaks out on his face Louis knows he was going to get his way. So he just tugs onto Harry's arm to lead him out of the store and towards the parking lot.

"That's your car?" Harry questioned, eyes widening at the expensive looking red car Louis was leading him too. Sure he didn't know cars but that looked expensive.

"Yeah, it was a birthday present." Louis smiles, while opening the door for Harry. What can he say his mother raised a gentleman.

"No wonder it looks new." Harry comments, as Louis shuts the door and walks around to the driver side, and got in.

"Actually I got this on my sixteenth birthday. I just take good care of the things I get." Louis tells him, while starting up his car. Harry was shivering slightly so Louis turned the heat up on high.

"All I got for my birthday was a birthday cake, and a gift card" Harry laughs, as Louis pulls out of the parking spot he was in.

"You can have this one on your birthday," Louis speaks, tone casual like he was offering up a piece of food. Though Harry just looks over at him like he's grown a third head. Louis only grins at him before turning back to the road."What? I've been saving up money for a new car since I was sixteen."

"Dude you must have money if you're just willing to give away a car like this for free." Harry comments, but realizes how that must have sounded."I'm sorr-"

Christmas Wishes (Larry One-shot)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora