Chapter Seven

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Dec 24, 2015 8:00 p.m

"I don't think she likes me." Louis whispered in Harry's ear, lips brushing up against it. If he did it just to see a blush creep onto Harry's cheeks who would judge him.

Harry giggles,"That tickles." He pushes Louis away while smiling over at him."She just met you. Though just give her food and she'll be in you're lap before the nights over with."

"That's not going to happen," Louis jokes as he reaches out to poke Harry's cheeks."My laps a little full of an adorable lanky boy at the moment, and I want to keep it that way."

Harry had to bite his lip to keep from grinning. How can Louis just say things like that and be so casual about it."I honestly don't see how you can say things like that." He admits.

Louis shrugs, hands ruffling the curls in Harry's hair. He reaches his other hand on the side of the couch to pull something up from the floor."I say what's on my mind. I've learned that not doing that, can keep you from getting what you want."

"And what is it that you want?" Harry questions.

Louis raises the mistletoe over Harry's head,"I want you to look up," without thinking much, Harry glances up, his cheeks tinting pink when he saw what Louis held over them."Now I want you to kiss me."

"What if I don't kiss on the first date?" Harry teases, body turning to face Louis.

"What about the second, because this would be considered as one?"

Harry just rolls his eyes but leans in to press their lips together. It's cautious at first a little hesitant with just lips brushing up against each other. Harry's not sure if he should just keep it innocent or deepen the kiss. So he continues to just kiss Louis closed mouth and hands braced against his chest, because he doesn't no where else to place them.

Louis on the other hand has different plans as his hands find themselves under the boys shirts, eliciting an suprise gasp from Harry. He couldn't deny that he'd been waiting for the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue past Harry's plump lips, he'd been wanting to do that for a while. A moan slipped past Harry's lips as Louis gripped his waist and flipped them over, then went to kissing his neck.

"Lou..." A loud knocking and voice had them pulling away from each. Harry looked flustered, while Louis looked a little more composed."Louis open the damn door before we start singing Christmas carols."

"We?" Harry questioned, eyes going wide as he looked over at Louis. He hadn't expected for Louis to be having company tonight.

"That's just that little shit Niall. Probably brought Liam and Zayn too." Louis mumbles, eyes glancing back over at Harry's. He can't help but look at how flustered Harry looks at the moment, from his swollen red lips, to his reddened skin, and slightly blown pupils. His eyes travel further down to his pajama pants and he smirks."You should probably go to the bathroom, and fix that problem you have there."

"Hark, how the bells, sweet silver bells!" Niall bellows.

An unmanly sqeak left Harry as he covered the bulge in his pants, though he couldn't help but let his eyes travel over to Louis pants."You should probably fix your's too before they see it." Harry suggested, while standing up from the couch.

"All seem to say, throw cares away."

Louis shrugs,"Maybe they'll catch the hint and not hang around." Louis jokes, laughing when he hears Harry snort in response.

"Christmas is here, bringing good cheer. I'll stand out here all night Lou, and sing if I have too." Niall warns.

"Please open the door so you can shut him up." Zayn yells, then groans when Niall yells louder.

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