Chapter Six

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Dec 24, 2015

Louis in one word can be described as nervous, he's usually so confident but he's nothing but nerves when he walks into the store. He'd become familiar with some of the workers in the store since he'd came in here six days straight. Though he'd really only returned for one boy, his future boyfriend if things went as planned.

It was a little and more hectic than usual, since it was christmas eve. Everyone was doing late christmas shopping which made everything seem more overwhelming. He smiled to himself when he caught sight of the tall lanky boy putting on his jacket. If Louis was correct he was just a few minutes away from being let off. And that was just perfect.

"Louis," Harry glanced up, smiling as he stood behind the same table. Most of the wrapping paper had been cleared off of it and the trash had been discarded."You sure know how to keep a guy busy. Oh and happy birthday." He added.

"Actually I'm doing the exact opposite today." Louis let out a nervous puff of breath as Harry's brows rose in question.

He then reached into the bag he was holding and pulled out a wrapped present, his face scrunched up in a grimace as he handed the present to Harry. When he said he couldn't wrap a present to save his he really meant it.

"Wow," Harry smirked down at the gift, before glancing back up at Louis."You really can't wrap worth shit."

"Just open it you little shit."

Harry giggled as he begun unwrapping the poorly wrapped present. I mean how much tape could one person use? And the amount of wrapping paper was just ridiculous. Though Harry couldn't help but show every single one of his teeth as he unwrapped it. Once he'd successful torn all the paper off the box, he just had to open the box which was also taped as well. He just used the stores box cutter for that.

Inside was a perfectly folded sweater, an ugly christmas sweater to be exact. Harry's brows furrowed slightly, as he examined the rest of the contents of the box. A box of hot chocolate, a bag of small marshmallows, and a Christmas cd, all the things that Harry wanted. Harry's been speachless before but this time was different, he was emotionally speachless as he stared back up at Louis.

"I've got a fireplace," Louis tells him, while pulling off the jacket that covered up the sweater he was wearing."And as far as matching sweaters goes I've got that covered too. The only thing that's missing is you."

"Lou," Harry whispered, trying to find the right words. If their was any words to express how he was feeling.

"I know we really haven't known each other for that long. It's barely been a week yet, but I know I can see a future for us. Maybe that's as friends or something else, but I'd like to start by inviting you to spend Christmas eve and Christmas with me. Of course you can bring Macy along." Louis says, eyes staring intensely into Harry's green ones.

"Yeah, yes, of course." Harry smiles, as he walks around the table to hug Louis. He's a little more excited than the normal person would show, but he doesn't really care. Though when he pulls away he can't help but pout."I'm kind of mad that I couldn't find you anything. I looked but I their wasn't anything that I thought screamed Lou."

"I'm fine with just getting you." Louis grins when he sees the blush raising to Harry's check. He can't help but poke at his dimples.

Harry can't help but to lean in to kiss Louis' cheek, though Louis has other plans and he turns his head just in time for Harry to peck his lips."Louis." Harry gasps.

Louis bites his lip to keep from smirking."So when do I get to meet this Macy of yours?"

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