People are going to think we're together. What if a student from school sees us or worse what if a teacher saw us instead.

Not realizing Alex stopped in front a phone store Katey bumped into his back.

"S-sorry I didn't mean to bump into you,"

Oh boy me and my dumb self

Alex turned around smiling at her.

"Come on, lets go in and stop apologizing." He gently tugged her inside.

As they walked up to the desk. A slim blonde headed girl stood there if they didn't know better they would say she was freaking barbie.

As she spotted Alex he girls roamed over him as if he was food and she was hungry.

"Hello my name is Rachel and welcome, how can I help you?" She drew out every word as if she was trying to seduce Alex in front of my face.

Oh hell to the no

I cleared my throat to get her attention. As her eyes looked at me. I could see distaste but she covered it with an extra sweet smile. We both began glaring at each other.

"I would like your newest iPhone," It was Alex who spoke. She quickly cleared her throat and finally decided to do her job.

No shit Sherlock

"Our newest phone is an iPhone seven gold at the price of-"

"I'll take it the price isn't a problem," He interrupted he pulled out his credit card and waited for her to finish cashing everything.

Did I mention that throughout all this time he was holding my hand.

As she finished and was handing Tate the bag she slipped him a piece of paper.

To say I was angry would be an understatement. I was furious and the part that hurt most was that Alex took the number. I immediately released his hand.

As we walked out the door she even had the nerve to shout out

"Call me," While we passed the garbage bin Alex throw the piece of paper away. I looked at him in surprise.

'What?' He asked. "Do you think that I would want that false plastic doll?" He waited for my answer. The only thing I could do was nod a yes.

"Well babe let me clear something up for you," He whispered while leaning down to my ears. "I only got eyes for you." I shuddered as he said that.

"Okay," I squeaked while blushing

"Good." He held back on to my hand and lead us to the parking lot. He opened my door. When I sat down he closed it then went over to the driver's seat.

"Here," He handed me the bag with my phone.

As I unwrapped it. It literally took my breath away. This was my first phone like every but it looked so expensive I could except this. I placed the phone back into the box the bag. I held out my hand giving it back to him.

His brows furrowed in confusion "What's wrong don't you like it? Cause if you don't I can totally-"

"No!" I shouted, "It's not that it's just that it seems so expensive and I don't want you wasting your money on my and if people knew you bought me this phone they would think I'm a gold digger-"

Just like that he shut me up with a kiss.

The phone was left discarded on the backseat.


That's it ill see you guys in the neck chapter.

My playlist:

Heartbreak girl- 5sos

English love affair- 5sos

No love- august Alsina feat Nicki Minaj

Stitches- Shawn Mendes

Kissing on my tattoos- August Alsina

Flashlight- Jessie j

Oh calamity- all-time low

Time bomb-all time low

Therapy-all time low

Lost in reality- 5sos

Wanted- Hunter Hayes

Faith to fall back on- Hunter Hayes

Everyone's got somebody- hunter Hayes

Superheros- the script

Earned it- the weekend

Flex- rich homie quan

Hello- Adele

Loving The Rich BoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora