Chapter 16

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Alexander P.O.V

I waited outside Kate's classroom as the other students came out one by one. As the last student left I realized Kate wasn't inside. The teacher stood at his deal packing up.

"Excuse me sir have you seen Katie anywhere?"

"Well she left earlier this morning in my class to go to the bathroom and I haven't seen her since."

That's not like her

"Thank you,"

I walked out of the class towards the bathroom. As I got closer I heard sobbing.

What the fuck.....

I opened the door going in. I know what you're thinking that I'm a creep or something but when the girl you love is in there you just gotta say duck it and do what you gotta do.

"Kate, babe you in here?" I heard sniffles.

"Yeah..." She replied

I could hear the sadness in her voice.

"Babe, why are you in here are you okay?" I asked.

I know she wasn't okay but I wanted to see if she would lie to me.

"I-I'm alright-"

"Why are you lying to me?"

Didn't she trust me I've been with her through thick and thin hell I'm freaking in love with her she doesn't trust me?

"Kate if you have any feelings at all for me you'll tell me the truth."

"I-I" she stuttered "Don't worry about it,"

"Then why are you crying and don't fucking tell me its nothing who made you cry!" I shouted

"I should have know better okay!" She screamed back at me. Since I've known kate this is the first time she has ever raised her voice.

"I was in class and when Britt found out it was me she started to say nasty things about me and she grabbed my hair really hard and-"

So its that bitches fault why she's crying.

Okay, she wants to play let's play.

I stormed out the bathroom walking down the hall fuming mad.

Every time she's happy someone fucks its up when this is the last straw.

"Alex stop don't do it." I heard Katey shout as she ran after me.

Kate P.O.V

"No Katey!" He shouted back "I'm tired of them taking advantage of you this has to stop I love you so much and if I can't protect what other use do I have,"

He stormed off into the cafeteria.

He loves me




I don't even care I love him too.

I ran after him not caring what anyone had to say. As I pushed the door open I heard Alex screaming at Britt

"What the fuck is your problem, leave her alone!"

"Yeah and if I don't what the fuck are you going to do about it," She retorted smugly

"Bitch please," He laughed "Don't fuck with me,"

Everyone in the cafeteria screamed burn.

Britt's eyes burned with anger as she looked at everyone in the cafeteria and her eyes landed on me. She screamed and ran at me.

Alex quickly realized what she was about to do a grabbed her hair yanking it as she screamed.

"Didn't I tell you to leave her the fuck alone."

"Alex stop," I spoke for the first time since I stepped in the room.

"I know you're trying to protect me and I love you for that-"

"You love me?" He asked in disbelief "since when?"

"I think it's from that day that I bumped into to you. I totally and utterly fell for you."

"I love you too," he spoke,

"I know you told me and that's why I'm trying to tell you-"

Britt screamed out.

"Shut up!" We both screamed at her leaving her whimpering like a lost puppy Alex finally released her hair and pulled me into his arms.

"So does this mean you're going to be my girlfriend?" He asked

"Yeah I think it does if you can handle falling for a poor girl," I replied smugly

"Well if you could manage falling for a rich boy I think we can work something out," She smiled


He placed a kiss on my lips silencing me.

I guess really did fall for the rich boy.

The End.

I hope you enjoyed loving the rich boy. Thank you for your votes, comments and for taking time out to read it



Love yah

N.B please check out my other books.

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