Vishal pov :

I got up at 7 am and went for jog and my body was too stif .. After returning from jog i went and took bath and went down to have breakfast . today my mamajis will come for some rasam after that my tel utrai ceremony will be done ..
Praeetk and me went to salon for some grooming ..

After returning my tell utrai ceremony was done then i went to take shower ..

Dadi told me to take little rest before evening .. Angle came to my room
Bhaiya when we will go to she bhabhi ??

Soon angle at evening we will go to bring your bhabhi ..

Yeah bhaiya i will wear lehnga mom gave me today ..

Realy angle

yep bhaiya ..

Ohk come lets take a little nap then we will get ready for barat ohk ..

Ohk bhaiya ..

She came and slept on my chest her leg are on both side of my stomach and her head is on my chest she was sleeping like a baby monkey .. I wish to have my child just like her .i patted her hairs and me too dosed off into sleep ..

At evening when i woke up she was not their i think badi ma took her . i went to wash my face when i came out of bathroom i saw my mom entering with my dress

I changed into a dhoti with long sherwani style kurta and a stole . mom put a pearl long necklace around my neck and put a pagdi on my head then she put a kalgi on it and a broach on my kurta then dadi came with the kirpan and juties ..then prateek tied sehra on my pagdi. Mom put a kohl dot behind my ears and kissed my forehead then i went near mirror and spraed some deo and put my watch on my wrist and phone in my pocket ..

Dadi asked me to come down . i went down with her she put tilak on my forehead and did my arati them mom took rice her her palm her touched my shoulders and throw them behind me then went near gori and gave her a piece of jaggrey in her mouth .
Dad gave sagun to man handeling ghori i sat on ghori and everyone was ready for barat angle came towards me with prateek  ..

Bhaiya you are looking like a prince .

Thankyou angle ..

Oye dont you dare bend your head infront of bhabhi during varemala prateek warned me ..

Ohk yaar .

Then music started and everyone started dancing and we started our journey to bring my dulhania ..

Mom , dad ,dadi ,prateek ,angle ,badi ma ,bade papa and my whole family was dancing and enjoying .. Barat reached near farm house entrance and heart beat started rising as we are nearing towards the entrance i can see everyone was standing on door to welcome us ..

But suddenly Laksh bhaiya asked us to stop on entrance everyone was curiouse to know the reason of sudden stop . then we saw ladies came out of main gate and made a circle and we saw some one dancing but couldn't see her clearly even both the bhaiyas were dancing with her .. But who was she ???

Laksh pov :
(Before barat )
After the prepration i went inside and saw my princess looking so beautiful like goddess my wife and bhabhi were too standing beside her they were too looking beautiful .

I went towards her and hugged her she is realy grown up into so beautiful girl and today she will start her new journey in life without her we couldn't imagine our life ..

I remember her wish so we planned everything ..i heard barat was at entrance so i took her with me and stoped at door and told her to stand their after that i went near baratis and asked them to stop their for dome time but continue the music . then i returned towards the door and asked everyone to make a circle and brought princess with bade bhaiya out in the garden and stated dancing as it was her wish to dance in her barat .. After dancing she has tears in her eyes so i took her in my arms and hugbher bade bhaiya too hugged her ... Then again we took her inside and palchi and bhabhi arranged her dress properly .. We asked baratis to come inside ...

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