Lost Stars vs Sky Writers

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Hello there! Like I said in my "Goodbye" note which can be found after this chapter, I plan on closing THIS book. 

The newest version of this story, the one that will continue to be updated, can be found on my profile, under the name of Sky Writers. 

As of thus, there have been 4 versions of Sky Writers. One on Quizilla and Three on Wattpad. Consider this book as a sort of log that shows the improvement I've made while writing. It's a place where I can go to see where I have been, and I hope that everyone else can see how much you can improve and grow as a writer!

The book will now include all the old versions of Sky Writers (which will be labeled accordingly) as well as some reflections that I have on each version. Feel free to comment and add any reflections you have as well! ~ I'd love outside perspective, and I'd still love to hear your thoughts on these old drafts! If you have any questions, feel free to ask those as well! Nothing in this book is necessary to understanding Sky Writers, though you might get a clue as to the direction where the story is heading within the old versions- or you might not. I make no guarantees! 

Happy reading, hope to see you in the NEW Sky Writers, much love from your Authoress: AmorettiElle AKA Liz~ 

The Lost Stars: (The Discontinued Stories of Sky Writers in Perspective)Where stories live. Discover now