Chapter 37

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I couldn't breathe. "You can't tell anyone. Especially not Rocky."

"I think you need to tell them." Blake tried to convince me. "Wasn't Rocky the one who wanted the test?"

"That doesn't mean he has to know!"

He rolled his eyes. "Rocky is going to go looking for that envelope and get mad at you when he finds out."

"What's Blake doing here?" Riker walked into the room.

"He just stopped by for a bit." I changed the subject quickly. "Would you do me a favor?" I batted my eyes.

"Anything for you, babe." Riker smiled.

"Would you feed your daughter and Rory?"

"No problem." He headed back for the kitchen.

"You have to tell Rocky." Blake whispered.

"But it would break his heart."

"Like I told you with Ross, you can't spare everyone from pain."

I sighed. "I'll get to it."


"When I get to it." I turned and started up the stairs. I passed Riker on the way to the steps.

"Where are you going?" He asked, looking between Blake and I.

"I have a headache. I'm gonna lay down for a bit." I closed my eyes.

"I'll watch the kids."


(Riker's point of view)

"What's up with her?" I asked Blake.

"She's just stressed." He ran his hands over his face.

"What about?"

"Just in general."

"Should I be worried?"

He thought it over. "Maybe."

"Why? What's it about?"

He stood up off the couch. "You should let her tell you."

I stopped him from walking further. "Is it about me?"

He touched my shoulder. "You need to let her tell you when she's ready. Don't pressure her."

"Why did she tell you and not me?" I watched Blake standing at the door.

He turned around slowly and looked at me. "She didn't tell me. It was none of my business and I found out."

"Then why can't I know?"

"Because it's her business." He turned and left.

What could that have been? If it was incredibly important, Ashley would tell me, right? Would she tell me? Maybe she doesn't want me to know. Is she pregnant again? It wouldn't be my kid. It would either be Ross's again or Rocky's. Rocky's the only one who's been with her for some time. My emotions overcame me and I headed for the garage.

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