Chapter 19

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"Jacobs in LA?" Rocky almost yelled.

"I know it was him." I started crying again.

"Are you positive? How do you know?" He wiped the tears off my cheeks.

"He touched my shoulder. When Ross touched me, I knew instantly that it was Jacob. I knew I felt that guys hand before."

"I thought he was still on parole? It couldn't have been him."

"Maybe his parole ended early. I'm absolutely positive it was him."

He looked at my eye. It was still slightly tinted a different color from the bruise. "You're not leaving my sight."

I took a deep breath. "I just left Ross standing there. I should go apologize."

"Does he know you saw Jacob?"

"No. When I told him I was getting a weird feeling, he accused me of lying."

"I'll come with you."

I stopped him. "You don't have to keep an eye on me in the house."

"I'm not. I'm going to carry the cribs back up here. You'll be with me from now on. If Ross isn't going to take you seriously, then he lost his right to be with you."

I nodded and Rocky led me back down the stairs to Ross's room.

"Where did you go?" Ross was mad when I walked through his door. His eyes went straight to Rocky. "You ran to Rocky? I thought you two weren't talking!"

Rocky stepped in front of me. "She's gonna be staying in my room now."

"What changed?" Ross looked back at me.

Rocky didn't let me answer. "She saw Jacob today and you blew it off like it was nothing."

"When did you see Jacob?" Ross pushed past Rocky. "And I want you to answer."

"He was the guy I saw in the model airplane store." I looked at the ground.

"And you're just now telling me about this?"

"You didn't take me seriously either time I told you about the guy." I argued.

"I didn't know it was Jacob! How did you find out it was him?"

I sighed. "When you touched my shoulder, I remember the guy touching me and I knew it was Jacob."

His attention returned to Rocky. "Why can't she stay in here tonight?"

"My rooms bigger." Rocky kicked a piled of dirty laundry out of his way.

"Then the twins can stay in your room tonight, and Ashley can stay in mine."

"Ashley is staying in my room." Rocky stepped closer to Ross.

"That's enough!" I broke them apart. "Ross, I'm staying in Rocky's room tonight. I'm sorry." Before Ross could argue anymore, I picked up Rose's crib and left.

I was trying to set up the crib again in Rocky's room, when Rocky came in with Rory's crib.

"Here." He set my underwear on my arm. "You left those in Ross's room."

I picked them up quickly and threw them on my dresser. "I'm sorry." I breathed. "Nothing happened."

"I don't wanna talk about that anymore." He walked over to me. "I don't want to fight again."

"That makes two of us." I looked at the floor. I felt embarrassed at what I had done.

He pulled my chin to look at him. His hand was in a brace.

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